Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yes, there are many opportunities available now. If you choose to look at is this way. You may see many things that look like they are falling apart and we tell you now, it is a reorganizing that is happening. It is time for all to be in alignment for what you want.
To have what you want you need to remove that which is not what you want. We have said it before, to be happy you can not have unhappiness. To be wealthy you cannot think you are poor or undeserving. There are many construct that need to be eliminated now. As you world seems to fall apart, it is only the opportunity for you to rebuild it as you desire.
When all seems to come undone, look. See what way you would choose for it to be rebuilt. Create your life in the way you wish it to be. Do not get caught up in how all could really be falling apart and the tragedy of it all. There is no tragedy unless you allow it to occur.
It is all just opportunity for you to create a new perspective for yourself. It is an opening for the new. It is the possibility for you to have what you truly want and to not just go along with what is.
You have the power to create life as you desire it to be. Let yourself have what you want. Stop thinking things are out of your reach. You get to decide. You get to be the one that determines what you can and cannot have. It is up to you.
Choose what you want and let all that is not in alignment slip away. You will see change in you world. You will have more of what you want, and then, you will want more.
Be at peace for all is well. You are loved beyond measure. Adonai.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People, Good or Bad

You never get the best out of people if you think the worst of them.
This is the statement we wish to start with for it has the power of knowing within it. You know that you cannot focus on what is not wanted and be open to receive what is wanted. Or, you cannot look for the ‘bad’ and be open for the ‘good’. This is true in all things but for people in particular we are speaking of now.
When you hold a thought of someone being a particular way, they are more apt to show up that way for you. When someone is cheery and smiles you have that expectation and you respond to them in that way. Conversely, if you have expectations that someone will be angry or disruptive, this will cause you to be resistant and hold your energy in a way that is defensive. When you do this it actually causes another to react in that way more. You are creating a negative magnetism. It actually repels others. This will cause a continuation of the experience that you expect.
If you are able to let go of your expectations of how someone is or actually project or expect that they will show up for you in a way that will make your interactions with them pleasant, you leave a space for this to occur. You will have the ability to deal with them in a way that allows them to be as they are and you can be at peace and detached about your interactions. You can be open for a relationship that reflects your desires rather that your fears.
It is up to you to hold the thoughts of how you desire it to be. To be intentional about your interactions with others. To set the tone and desire for all that you participate in with all you interact with every day. Focus on what you want. And what you focus on expands.
Allow people to show up for you in a way that works for you and your interactions. Put expectations, intentions and desires that allow others to be their best selves with you. Your interactions will become as you desire them to be rather than what you fear them to be. Release your fear of others. Allow any resistance to being with others go. Be open to allowing that which you desire to come forth in all your relationships and you will be happily surprised by your experiences.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcome Back!

Hello! I am back. After a long hiatus I have come back to my writing once again. I have missed being in contact and for those of you who requested more, more is on the way.
I have, as I know many have, been through a lot in the last few months. Each time that I have thought I was stable I was presented with a new set of challenges. Although I am not where I ultimately want to be, I am proud to say that I have found a way to be at peace amongst the chaos. As a person who loves to be grounded, to feel solidly in place, I have been put in a position of floating. Like a feather in the air. I have had to find my balance in this, in floating. It has taken some time but I have realized to a greater depth all that I have been taught. That indeed your state of being supersedes your circumstance. This is to say; circumstances don't matter, your state of being matters.
As the world has taken many turns lately it has given us all an opportunity to discover who we are and what we want. For after the shock and perhaps paralysis that accompanies many life/world changes, you must decide who you are in the midst of this. Are you one who will cower in despair? Or are you choosing to affirm all is well in the world?
There is certainly more apparent "evidence" to have a negative viewpoint but where do you really want to live?
With the recent election a clear message has been sent; most of us want to choose hope over fear. This is where it all begins. With the choice. For once you know the direction you wish to head in, you will also align with that which you desire. As I always say, "Point in the direction of what you want."
You cannot continue to complain about all that is wrong and be in alignment with that which you desire. I have a friend who was concerned about being able to pay some bills. He said, "No money is coming in. I can't find a job anywhere. Everyone is in financial trouble." If you want financial abundance, you cannot keep complaining and affirming what you don't want. You must leave space for what you do want to come in.
Now, mind you, my friend was able to pay his bills. Everything turned out fine. But he suffered on the path to receiving what he wanted.
I explained it recently to another friend like this: I am a single woman. I would like to have a love relationship in my life. I have dated men that I have enjoyed and even loved but have not yet found a partner. I could rightly complain how my prince charming hasn't shown up yet. How I'm getting older and it is so difficult to find someone compatible. I could wonder what is wrong with me, why hasn't anyone come to fall madly in love with me yet. Basically, I could suffer what I do not have yet.
Or I could, and I do, believe that every relationship I have is valuable. Each man I have dated I have shared with and grown with and learned from. That the expanded relationship I seek with a partner will come to me. That everything in my life is in place to serve my highest good. That I am exactly as I should be and the people that appreciate who I am will come to my life.
Now, I am not saying that if you think negative thoughts what you desire will not come. I think there is more in play than that. But, I am saying, why suffer what you don't have needlessly? Why not enjoy all that you want before it comes to you. Why not keep high expectations that things will work out? You have the option.
I do believe that being open to, and having positive feelings about what you want makes it easier to come to you. When you have high expectations that things will work out for you, you leave space for them to come in. You look for opportunity. You radiate and attract what you desire. It greases the wheels and makes it all seem easier.
I know at times things can seem difficult but I just want you to remember, you always have a choice. It is in your power and available by your will.
I choose to be happy. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that and sometimes other people have to remind me too. But when I am not happy, I remember that I want to be. And I point myself in that direction.
So, I thank you, my friend, for listening to me. And I hope that you choose to be happy. I hope that you choose to have love and peace and joy and freedom in all of your experiences and manifestations.
I am grateful to be in service now and I look forward to sharing more with you.
Sending peace and love to you always, Kat.