Friday, December 2, 2011
It is time for you to understand the vastness and simplicity of all this. Be in alignment: with all you are, with all you desire to be and with that which you desire. It is all just being in an energetic match to it, and allowing it. Be at peace. This is all we wish to tell you now. All is well.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Re's
We are with you. Allow yourself to be uplifted now. You can have the energy you desire just by allowing yourself that now. Be at peace. All is working out.
You are allowing for that which no longer serves you, all of the old thought forms and energy, to be released now. Allow our divine light to be shared in your energy. This can fill you up, allow for the energy needed to hold your space and energy to enjoy activities.
Release all energy of repression. Yes, there are many re's; repression, resentment, and resistance. All to be let go of o now. You need none of these for your happiness.
Speak your truth with ease. Allow for loving energy to flow through you and to you now. We mean for you to receive the energy of love too. It is not just for you to channel but for you to be filled up too. You need not suffer any depletion. You may choose to rest and refill, do not let yourself get too empty. This is when the re's start up again.
Express yourself. Allow your light to shine. Fear nothing and no one. Be at peace. We are with you now shifting you to the higher level.
You need not know how and you need not do anything, all will be shown. No preparation is needed. Except for perhaps planning your fun. : )
Saturday, November 19, 2011
11-11-11 Update
Message from the Lady of the Sun
Channel by Sheryl Pederson- original post:
Channel by Sheryl Pederson- original post:
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nothing is Wrong
An excerpt from an email to a client:
"You are not doing anything wrong. Please do not try to look for the 'wrong' in anything. Try to focus yourself on what is right and following your instinct (guidance) on this.
Your guidance is there. Quiet your mind and allow the support to come through. If you are saying in your head repeatedly, "it's not happening", there is no room for support.
Allow for what needs to come through. Only look forward to what you want. This is going to keep you in a happier, good focused place.
The minute you look away to see what is 'wrong' or not happening you lose sight of what you desire. This causes you unhappiness and disconnects you from what you truly want.
Allow the truth to come up. If you have a question about something, write it down. Sit and allow for the most positive answer to rise up in you. Write this down as the answer to your question. This is your guidance coming forth.
If it is not positive or supportive it is not your guidance, it is your fear. Acknowledge it if there is fear, then let it go. Release yourself from fearful, doubtful thoughts. Focus on what you desire and the positive path to get you there. Keep moving forward until you get to your goal.
And remember, all is well. You are coming to your highest good. Allow that."
Monday, October 24, 2011
All Is Well
We come today to tell you that all is well. It is something we say a lot. That is because we want you to believe it. If you know that all is well, as it is, you could possibly be at peace.
Worry is the enemy of peace. Your worry creates a discordant vibration, one that blocks what you desire. This is not something that cannot be overcome. It is only something for you to notice and change.
You can change. You can notice when you are having feelings that are not in alignment with the truth of your being.
Yes, we understand there is fear, that is why we are here. To tell you that you do not have to wrestle with fear. You only have to notice it. Notice why it is coming up, release that and choose how you would rather be. We have told you this before. What you need to know is you do not need to worry.
Feel the freedom and peace of knowing all is well. Feel the path to your future that opens up when you allow this. It is for you to have. You only have to desire and allow. Allow your self to move forward. Allow yourself to heal/let go of all that is blocking your movement.
Again we tell you, for it is so, all is well. Adonai
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Point yourself in the direction you want to go
It seems so clear doesn't it; point yourself in the direction you want to go. You understand it when we say it. And you can do it, but sometimes you don't.
Sometimes you see things in your world that you complain about but you are not really wanting to do anything about. This is not upsetting to us except for the fact it takes your attention away from that which you want. And also the negativity around the words you say or the energy you emit. You do not have to do this.
You can bless everything for being an expression of all possibilities in this world or you can understand that is someone else's creation and you get to have a choice about how you be about it. You can respond to it with negativity or ambivalence or blessings. You do not have to engage in it at all. Keep your consciousness filled up with what you desire. What you choose to focus on. Then you will be free.
We also notice that you like to look backwards too. Sometimes you look back to enjoy a fond memory but mostly there is a looking back in a way that mostly questions, “What went wrong?”, or some version of that. We say it would be most beneficial for all to let go of the version of questions that ask what is wrong entirely. We wish for you to adopt, “What is right?”.
What is right could be that your past experience: inspired me to have something more or something better, pushed me forth into a recognition of myself that I did not previously have or it gave me the knowing of what is true for me now.
Enjoy now. Focus on what you desire and move forward. If stuff comes up that is not what you want, notice it. Make a choice from there. Heal, allow, let go of or be at peace with all that has come before this moment.
Then redirect yourself to that which you want. Enjoy that and keep moving forward.
And if you need support, ask for it. And if you forget, its ok, keep moving forward.
Let the adventure of life keep unfolding for you and be at peace knowing all is well. Adonai.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Keep it Simple
This is how all things are:
You come in as who you are. You get washed around in experience. You adopt some and move towards others.
Then, you decide to be who you are. Whole and complete, choosing to be exactly as you are, expanded by every experience.
We allow for all because we love you. This is what you said you want. And when you ask us for assistance, we assist.
It is almost that simple. Except it's not. Because you forget who you are. And you allow others to make decisions for you. And you forget you have a choice. Until you remember...and then you do that, and then you allow what you want.
We love you and support you in all you desire. Always, in all ways. Be at peace with all that is. All is well. Adonai.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Life only rises to the level of your expectations.
We have come today to give you words of advice. Be who you are. Make your decisions from what you desire, not from what you think you can have. Allow your dreams to take you higher, farther than you believe in your reality. The idea of being realistic keeps you in a contained state. You cannot have your dreams manifest if you only allow the 'realistic' to occur.
Life rises to the level of your expectation. Expect more. Expect miracles and magic. Open the doors for all possibilities and open yourself to receive. Expand your thought to the farthest reaches of your imagination and see where it takes you. Now is the time for surpassing all that you thought was possible.
Be you now in your highest possible state. Allow more. You are greatly loved. Adonai.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Out with the Old, In with the New
This is another excerpt from an email I sent to a client today. I thought the guidance given was appropriate for all of us.
The only thing I would add is to love yourself through the process. Have grace in all you are moving through.
"This month, thus far, has been a time for churning up the old, the unneeded and basically everything you do not want. It is time for all that no longer serves you to be released. Today in fact, is the full moon lunar eclipse. This is a particularly good time to notice what you want to let go of now. This includes feelings of discouragement (lack of trust/faith that things are going to work out), fear, doubt, lack, limitation, anger, resentment....etc.
So allow yourself the release now. It is not always pretty or comfortable but will free you to be that which you are truly.
Focus on that which you want. Bring in the good feelings of those things now: ie., I want a love relationship; so love yourself, love the people in your life, spread love wherever you go. This will imbue love in all things and also be the 'like attracts like' (law of attraction) that will allow the love relationship that you desire. And you get to enjoy this even before you get what you ultimately want. No more, "I will be happy when...." type of thinking.
When you have feelings you do not want, like discouragement, let it go, release it. Then, redirect your attention to that which you desire and to how great it will feel to have what you want. Just notice where you are and remember where you want to be.
Also, with the solstice on June 21st and another solar eclipse on July 1st, new energy of the the "new" you have a greater opportunity to come in. Allow for the changes that need to occur to bring you to your greatest good.
Out with the old, in with thew new!"
The only thing I would add is to love yourself through the process. Have grace in all you are moving through.
"This month, thus far, has been a time for churning up the old, the unneeded and basically everything you do not want. It is time for all that no longer serves you to be released. Today in fact, is the full moon lunar eclipse. This is a particularly good time to notice what you want to let go of now. This includes feelings of discouragement (lack of trust/faith that things are going to work out), fear, doubt, lack, limitation, anger, resentment....etc.
So allow yourself the release now. It is not always pretty or comfortable but will free you to be that which you are truly.
Focus on that which you want. Bring in the good feelings of those things now: ie., I want a love relationship; so love yourself, love the people in your life, spread love wherever you go. This will imbue love in all things and also be the 'like attracts like' (law of attraction) that will allow the love relationship that you desire. And you get to enjoy this even before you get what you ultimately want. No more, "I will be happy when...." type of thinking.
When you have feelings you do not want, like discouragement, let it go, release it. Then, redirect your attention to that which you desire and to how great it will feel to have what you want. Just notice where you are and remember where you want to be.
Also, with the solstice on June 21st and another solar eclipse on July 1st, new energy of the the "new" you have a greater opportunity to come in. Allow for the changes that need to occur to bring you to your greatest good.
Out with the old, in with thew new!"
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
June 15, 2011- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
You are divinely guided and protected. You are to shift rapidly now. Seat belt not required but it will be a bumpy ride. You will notice the shifting as if you were changing into another being. Yes, similar to that of the 'werewolf' but you will be changing into the divine aspect of yourself. It had been present but not the dominant force.
Yes, the eclipse is the planetary pivot point for all beings who are ready to shift. It is an action in time recognized by all that will allow for the energy to shift. We are aware that you are skeptical of this notion but we tell you there is no longer time to 'pussy foot' around. We have already run our extra innings and we are no longer allowed any over-time. Who ever is ready and willing to make the shift now will. It is already being done.
This is not like the others before, it is a change, a crossing of the line, a jumping the boundary into a new land. It will look the same but as you move into it , all will start to shift. Allow for your greater knowing to expand. It will all be shown to you. We will not keep anything from you for once you pass over, it will be available to you. Your awareness will allow for what you desire to unfold.
You will let go of the majority of fear that has held you back. You have noticed who you are and what you wish to be. This is appropriate for it is coming to be now. You will have all that you need. We will not give details for we want you to come to your own knowing. This shall occur as we have indicated. You will know what is most appropriate for you in all things, in all ways. You will not have the separation of consciousness that you do now. You will be a part of the whole with your own knowing for action.
Your awareness of your part of the puzzle will be made quite clear and you will contribute your expertise accordingly. Those who will benefit from your assistance will come when you are solidly in your power. We are here to assist in every way but you must know, your knowing will be such that you will be clear in all circumstance. You have your knowing now but what is to come will be that knowing you experience with us. The knowing the exhibits total confidence. And it is so.
We will be with you through this great transition. We love you and fill you with our love with great expectations in the revealing of your true self. More to come... Adonai.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Shift-o Change-o
You are right, much is changing/shifting now. The celestial happenings are assisting in your movement forward. Each of the eclipses will bring a different energy of transformation. Many are speaking of these energies but what you must really know for yourself now is that it is time to allow yourself to be the true you.
Letting go of the manufacture aspects of your personality (yes, this includes the”witty cynicism” you pretend is humorous and not defensive). You have many aspect of your personality self that will fall away during this time. All fear base affectations, all anger related reactions, and all that will not serve your being-ness in your highest good will slip/drop/fall from existence in your life. This may create a void for you. A feeling of a missing piece but it was a piece that really did not fit your true self. Like a friend that made you laugh but your really did not enjoy overall. Yes, it is a contradiction, good of you to notice that. You will notice many things that do not make sense or feel right and wrong at the same time. This is the way of great shifting.
Becoming who you are and leaving the comfort of who you thought you were. Don't worry, nothing you need will fall away. Only that which no longer serves your greatest and highest good shall depart. These odd feelings will be accompanied by many new excited feelings of a great okay-ness. Even in the midst of strange feelings there will be an underlying knowing that all is well and you are moving in the right direction.
What is the right direction for you? Forward. This is what we request of you. Be aware of where you are residing. If you are in an uncomfortable spot, allow your consciousness to move inward to your deepest spot of knowing. This is where you can calm yourself in your truth, in that which is your highest good.
Many may have a different experience as individuals but the shift is occurring through all of those that wish to be moving forward to their greatest good. Allow for this now. Allow for the release of that which no longer serves you in the manner that it comes out. It may be anger or crying or being entirely passive and disconnected. It could be all of these or more. Just allow for what you are experiencing. Allow what needs to move out to be released. Then, redirect yourself to what you desire.
You may think that you do not know what this is right now but each of you knows in your heart. Maybe the details are unclear and that is fine. Just direct yourself to the peace, love, freedom and joy you desire in any and all manifestations. This is all we ask now.
Know that your life’s creation is that of your new world in which you get to love all experiences. Picture the you that is most comfortable in all things; in your body, in your environment, in your world. You will come through all of this to a new higher perspective that will allow you the greatest range of all possibilities to serve your highest good.
We know we are speaking in great generalities. This is to accommodate all that will read this. This is so you, yes you, know that your true self is revealing itself to you. There is no thing to fear. All is happening for you now. Changes will happen. All the old baggage will get cleared away.
Now, just allow yourself to be and be inspired by who you are becoming (and who you have truly always been) .
We love you so. You are always supported. Allow for your greatest good to be revealed now.
For more on the eclipses and energies of June-
For more on the eclipses and energies of June-
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Letter to All
This is an excerpt from an email I sent to a client recently. I thought the guidance given was appropriate for all of us.
The only thing I would add is to love yourself through the process. Have grace in all you are moving through.
...I think you need to bolster you belief/faith/trust. You keep falling into uncertainty about what you want and that in turn feels bad. You must know that what you want is not only possible but on the way to you. I can not give you the belief/faith/trust to do this, you must create it for yourself.
There is a post-it I keep on my idea board next to my desk that says:
Intention- Attention-No Tension. I recommend this for you.
Intention- be intentional about what you want; in your future, for the day and in the moment. Create your life in peace, allow for the unfolding.
Attention- pay attention to what is. Follow the signs and knowings. If something happens, question why it happened. Things happen for you, not to you. Notice what is and keep moving forward in the direction that you want to go.
No tension- Relax. You will not notice the subtle nudges of your guidance if you are freaked out, stressed, angry etc. When everything is an upset you leave no room for peace and you cannot hear/see/experience your guidance. Let go of what you do not want (all negativity) and allow for what you do want.
Notice what is. What is the Universe trying to tell you? Not noticing could prevent you from seeing what is needed and creating what you did not want. Slow down, be intentional. Allow for the unfolding of your life as you desire it. Let go of upset, it is not serving you.
Be at peace. All is well.
The only thing I would add is to love yourself through the process. Have grace in all you are moving through.
...I think you need to bolster you belief/faith/trust. You keep falling into uncertainty about what you want and that in turn feels bad. You must know that what you want is not only possible but on the way to you. I can not give you the belief/faith/trust to do this, you must create it for yourself.
There is a post-it I keep on my idea board next to my desk that says:
Intention- Attention-No Tension. I recommend this for you.
Intention- be intentional about what you want; in your future, for the day and in the moment. Create your life in peace, allow for the unfolding.
Attention- pay attention to what is. Follow the signs and knowings. If something happens, question why it happened. Things happen for you, not to you. Notice what is and keep moving forward in the direction that you want to go.
No tension- Relax. You will not notice the subtle nudges of your guidance if you are freaked out, stressed, angry etc. When everything is an upset you leave no room for peace and you cannot hear/see/experience your guidance. Let go of what you do not want (all negativity) and allow for what you do want.
Notice what is. What is the Universe trying to tell you? Not noticing could prevent you from seeing what is needed and creating what you did not want. Slow down, be intentional. Allow for the unfolding of your life as you desire it. Let go of upset, it is not serving you.
Be at peace. All is well.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Quote of the day
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance,
the wise man grows it under his feet.
-James Oppenheim
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I am- the documentary
I just wanted to share about this great documentary I had the honor of seeing on a recent trip to Washington DC. I Am is a documentary that discusses what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do about it? Tom Shadyac, the director and narrator, shares profound conversations with some of the worlds greatest minds. It is currently in limited release. Check it out at:
I highly recommend it and I will be seeing it again when it comes to Atlanta.
Hope all is well in your world,
p.s. As seen on Oprah 4/20/11
I just wanted to share about this great documentary I had the honor of seeing on a recent trip to Washington DC. I Am is a documentary that discusses what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do about it? Tom Shadyac, the director and narrator, shares profound conversations with some of the worlds greatest minds. It is currently in limited release. Check it out at:
I highly recommend it and I will be seeing it again when it comes to Atlanta.
Hope all is well in your world,
p.s. As seen on Oprah 4/20/11
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Cranes for Japan
My friends have created this video in support of the OshKoshBgosh initiative to send clothing to children in Japan. It is a fun and creative project that allows you to easily support the cause.
Check it out:
My friends have created this video in support of the OshKoshBgosh initiative to send clothing to children in Japan. It is a fun and creative project that allows you to easily support the cause.
Check it out:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Corgo Quote
We can no longer look to life as something that needs to be accomplished, but as something that begs to be experienced.
-Lauren Corgo,
-Lauren Corgo,
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Hello All-
My friend Sheryl has an amazing process to share for the equinox. A process to assist in letting go of that which you no longer need and focuses you on what you truly desire. It is a fantastic way to help heal and release and redirect to that which you are truly wanting. Check it out:
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Powerful Peace
We wish to tell you today about the power of peace. Peace is the foundation that allows you to have all that you desire. It is the fundamental way of being that allows for what you call the ‘good things in life’. You have heard this many times from many directions, so much that it has caused you to scoff when you hear it. Cue beauty pageant contestant, “ I would like to have world peace.” This is not what we are talking about. We are talking about the Ghandi version. The version where YOU get to bring peace to the world. The version of peace that you have say so in. This is what we are talking about today.
Peace is the fundamental building block for having what you want for if you build a life on anything else there is likely to be a shake down, or shake up, depending how you look at it. We will explain. Peace as the foundation can not be disturbed, not broken, not altered by anything. It lays down for you a safe place to be. This is what will allow fertile ground for the growth of what you desire. Yes, we know we are mixing metaphors but we are certain you can follow. Out of peace easily flows, love, joy, freedom. For the ease that is found in peace is about your way of BEING. Your way of being is what allows for the things you want.
If you have no peace, you have no stability. You have no place to go when there is nowhere to go. Find peace, allow peace. Ask yourself what would it take for you to have peace? Do that, now. This is the most fundamental building block for your life. Meditate until you find peace. Pray until you find peace. Be who you truly are until you find peace. Breathe it in or just allow it. Do or not do whatever it takes to have peace in your life.
And when you find it, savor it. Feel it. Allow it to permeate all, body, mind and soul. Get the feeling of it. Find that space where it is available for you. Stay in it, bathe in it, roll around in it. Whatever will cause you to remember this place of peace. Imprint it into your energy and remember it.
Just like a memory, take this feeling and allow it to be as often as you can. Feel the ease, feel the comfort, feel the knowing of, ‘all is well’. It is there for you. Find it in whatever way you can. There are many paths to peace. You can find your way to it and allow it to expand in your life. This is the powerful message we have for you today. Peace is powerful for nothing can permeate it when you truly have it. We tell you now, all is well, be at peace.
More...9/13/10 Peacefully Powerfully You
Peace is the fundamental building block for having what you want for if you build a life on anything else there is likely to be a shake down, or shake up, depending how you look at it. We will explain. Peace as the foundation can not be disturbed, not broken, not altered by anything. It lays down for you a safe place to be. This is what will allow fertile ground for the growth of what you desire. Yes, we know we are mixing metaphors but we are certain you can follow. Out of peace easily flows, love, joy, freedom. For the ease that is found in peace is about your way of BEING. Your way of being is what allows for the things you want.
If you have no peace, you have no stability. You have no place to go when there is nowhere to go. Find peace, allow peace. Ask yourself what would it take for you to have peace? Do that, now. This is the most fundamental building block for your life. Meditate until you find peace. Pray until you find peace. Be who you truly are until you find peace. Breathe it in or just allow it. Do or not do whatever it takes to have peace in your life.
And when you find it, savor it. Feel it. Allow it to permeate all, body, mind and soul. Get the feeling of it. Find that space where it is available for you. Stay in it, bathe in it, roll around in it. Whatever will cause you to remember this place of peace. Imprint it into your energy and remember it.
Just like a memory, take this feeling and allow it to be as often as you can. Feel the ease, feel the comfort, feel the knowing of, ‘all is well’. It is there for you. Find it in whatever way you can. There are many paths to peace. You can find your way to it and allow it to expand in your life. This is the powerful message we have for you today. Peace is powerful for nothing can permeate it when you truly have it. We tell you now, all is well, be at peace.
More...9/13/10 Peacefully Powerfully You
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wisdom of the Day
Tension is who you think you should be,
Relaxation is who you are.
- Chinese proverb
Relaxation is who you are.
- Chinese proverb
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thanks Patricia!
I just wanted to write a note for all those that have been referred to this blogsite. I will tell you first about the things people ask me most about a session with me.
I am a conscious channel and an empath. I also do guided energy work. I am currently doing phone sessions and I am in an Eastern Standard time zone. The sessions are about an hour and a half (although I request you leave allow two hours so we are not rushed). We have a conversation about you, your life and what you want. Then I get off the phone and do energy work. I usually pick up more information while doing the energy work. When I am done, we talk about that and any other questions you may have.
My work is not about telling you what is going to happen next Tuesday. It is about supporting you in taking your power, becoming the conscious creator of your life. It is higher level guidance to support you being you in a more expansive way. The energy work allows for a clearing of all that is no longer to your greatest good causing a shift in your way of being.
It is best to be in an environment where you can relax and even recline (for the energy work). Also, you may not want to schedule anything too strenuous, emotionally or physically, directly afterward. Normally people feel very good and relaxed after a session.
I so appreciate it when clients refer their friends and family to me. It has taken me a long time to get comfortable with my abilities and having my clients benefit it such amazing ways makes it all worth it. The true gift for me is to facilitate joy and peace for others.
The best way to contact me is by email, There is also additional info on right side column of this blog. Please feel free to email me any questions or your best time if you would like to schedule a session.
Thanks again to Patricia! Here is her blog: ( Feb.24/25 2011)
Peace and love to you always,
I am a conscious channel and an empath. I also do guided energy work. I am currently doing phone sessions and I am in an Eastern Standard time zone. The sessions are about an hour and a half (although I request you leave allow two hours so we are not rushed). We have a conversation about you, your life and what you want. Then I get off the phone and do energy work. I usually pick up more information while doing the energy work. When I am done, we talk about that and any other questions you may have.
My work is not about telling you what is going to happen next Tuesday. It is about supporting you in taking your power, becoming the conscious creator of your life. It is higher level guidance to support you being you in a more expansive way. The energy work allows for a clearing of all that is no longer to your greatest good causing a shift in your way of being.
It is best to be in an environment where you can relax and even recline (for the energy work). Also, you may not want to schedule anything too strenuous, emotionally or physically, directly afterward. Normally people feel very good and relaxed after a session.
I so appreciate it when clients refer their friends and family to me. It has taken me a long time to get comfortable with my abilities and having my clients benefit it such amazing ways makes it all worth it. The true gift for me is to facilitate joy and peace for others.
The best way to contact me is by email, There is also additional info on right side column of this blog. Please feel free to email me any questions or your best time if you would like to schedule a session.
Thanks again to Patricia! Here is her blog: ( Feb.24/25 2011)
Peace and love to you always,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Here we go, another month down.
Yes, we are not counting the time. We are counting the movement and there has been much. You have a way of measuring things that we wish to have you let go. This is just another form of judgement, for when you weigh things against time you decide if it is good or bad and we say it just is.
You need not decide whether the time is appropriate or not for it is. Whatever amount of time it takes to accomplish anything is the appropriate amount of time. If having what you want is the goal then what ever amount of time that takes is the amount that is required.
Quit putting all of these false negotiations on yourself. I have to do X before I am Y years old. Why? What purpose is that serving? We ask for you to ask/request what you want and allow for it to unfold, to come to you, or you come to it in a natural flow of time. This pushing or pulling, resisting or rushing does not help you in the process of getting what you want. This manipulation does not strengthen your hold, it only makes you feel bad about having what you want.
Let yourself be free of the time constraints you have put upon yourself. Allow for your life to flow freely in the direction you want to go. What you accomplish then will be enhanced by your journey in getting it. You do not need to frustrate yourself by putting artificial constraints or blocks to what you desire.
There are many ways of judging yourself harshly but not allowing yourself the time that is needed to accomplish what you desire is one you can let go of now. Be free. Let what you desire unfold in its own time. Be free in your knowing that it will take as long as it takes. You can feel the knowing of having what you want will come to you and find peace in this. This is the basis of trust. This is the knowing that all is in Divine right alignment and all is well. Be at peace with this notion. Allow for what you want to come now in peace. We love you so. Adonai
Yes, we are not counting the time. We are counting the movement and there has been much. You have a way of measuring things that we wish to have you let go. This is just another form of judgement, for when you weigh things against time you decide if it is good or bad and we say it just is.
You need not decide whether the time is appropriate or not for it is. Whatever amount of time it takes to accomplish anything is the appropriate amount of time. If having what you want is the goal then what ever amount of time that takes is the amount that is required.
Quit putting all of these false negotiations on yourself. I have to do X before I am Y years old. Why? What purpose is that serving? We ask for you to ask/request what you want and allow for it to unfold, to come to you, or you come to it in a natural flow of time. This pushing or pulling, resisting or rushing does not help you in the process of getting what you want. This manipulation does not strengthen your hold, it only makes you feel bad about having what you want.
Let yourself be free of the time constraints you have put upon yourself. Allow for your life to flow freely in the direction you want to go. What you accomplish then will be enhanced by your journey in getting it. You do not need to frustrate yourself by putting artificial constraints or blocks to what you desire.
There are many ways of judging yourself harshly but not allowing yourself the time that is needed to accomplish what you desire is one you can let go of now. Be free. Let what you desire unfold in its own time. Be free in your knowing that it will take as long as it takes. You can feel the knowing of having what you want will come to you and find peace in this. This is the basis of trust. This is the knowing that all is in Divine right alignment and all is well. Be at peace with this notion. Allow for what you want to come now in peace. We love you so. Adonai
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