Monday, January 28, 2013


We wish for you to view all of your life as approaching miracles.   
You view it now as if everything you want is in front of you like a carrot until you get it. 
Then it is like moving from lily pad to lily pad, hopping from one thing you want to the next.  
You can have a richer experience than this, one that is more fulfilling.  
It is for you to have a continuous flow of miraculous manifestations, 
like a stream or a river or and ocean.   
How much are you willing to allow?  What are you willing to have be a miracle?  Everything.   
Everything is a good answer for it allows all to be as spectacular and uplifting and as wondrous as possible.   
Allow for that.  Keep all doors open.  Better yet, keep all of your life open, open to receive.  
All can be expanded, and all will, if you allow for it.
Treat all in your life as if it were all approaching miracles waiting to unfold for you.

“There are only two ways to live your life. 
One is as though nothing is a miracle. 
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

― Albert Einstein

Friday, January 18, 2013

In the Mail

There are many discussion for us to have but what we really want you to get now is that all you desire is on its way.  It is like when you have ordered your packages from Amazon yet they have not arrived yet.  You should know that they are coming, all is on its way.   Live like it is in the mail.  
 We want you to feel the knowing of all you desire is not being kept from you but given to you freely, abundantly.  How much can you allow?  Can you be comfortable with having what you say you want?  Can you have that experience now, before it shows up for you?   
We are really desiring for you to be in the knowing of the having so the receiving is allowed easily.  You are so used to everything being a struggle or being withheld, now you must allow for what you desire to have access to you by being the energy of having it.   
Be in the joy that you think it will bring.  Be in the place of assuredness.  Just as if you were planning a trip to Disney world and you know it will be there when you show up.  And you can enjoy the fantasies of the fun you will have, the rides you will enjoy, the sights you will see.   
Do the same for that which you have requested now.  Be in the peace of knowing all your needs will be met.  Be in the excitement of the travel and adventures to come.  Be in the comfort of the love you wish to share for all of this is coming to you.  
 Just as a vacation is planned knowing your destination will be there, you have planned your desire and must know that they are available for you.  Feel this place.  Allow yourself to shake any doubt, uncertainty, disbelief or any other sense of not being able to have what you want. But shake it and feel what you want, don’t look at it and brood in it.  It doesn’t matter what the confines you have previously had have been.   
Allow yourself to be new in your experiences as you desire your experiences to be new.  This is why we ask you to focus on how you wish to be, how you wish other to be.  It will bring you to the feeling place of what you desire.  This is the focus for now.  We will take you further as we go but for now, this is enough. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


You are to be what you desire and we want you to know that is where you are headed. You have a bit of energy fluctuation because you are alternately eager and resistant. It is a funny thing for us to see you in perfect alignment and then fall away in one direction or another. We know you have not yet come to the knowing of the ease of your path; feeling like you need to push or pull is part of the misunderstanding of your humanness. 
You have been taught to be distrustful and to believe that everything is hard one. You are going to be so amazed and delighted when you realize (we mean experience) the fact that you are well taken care of and that all you can allow can be yours. Yes, we will get you to that. For now, please know that we are guiding you in every way. 
It is ok not to feel anything right now. Your drive and direction will come and there will be no turning it off so we ask that you enjoy yourself now. Now and always actually, but you do not need to treat yourself like an unfinished project. You are complete in every moment. You are whole and complete and expanding in every direction. Know that we are always in the guidance to your higher good. We are always in the knowing of what that is even when you think* you have no clue. We have to asterisk the think because at a inner knowing level you do know but that is not where you are accessing all of your knowing right now. 
Your thinking portion has only accumulated what has happened previously. Your inner knowing or higher knowing has access to much more. Including where you are going and what will take you there. This is why so many are being guided to quieten their minds, to go within, to experience the wisdom of themselves. 
Many still have no access to it. It is like a different language to them that runs by rules entirely the opposite of what is known from the mind. All people are shifting though now. Whether it be to the conscious part of the mind or the super conscious of the greater self, all are being expanded. 
 It is an evolutionary shift that is moving faster than any other because unlike many former growth spurts, this one only requires individuals to be willing to move forward. Most of you are willing at this time. It is what is happening. And for those who are at the level of connecting with the 'all that is' in a communion, they will experience things differently. But so will those that are just starting to look at what they want and what really works in the world. It is all forward movement for all. 
So even when your fellow man has not seemed to come along, know that he has. And even when you are still trying to get to your next step, your are expanding. It is a never ending pursuit to the entirety of the evolution for you will create and choose more and more. And things that haven't been dreamt of yet will be an every day reality for all. 
It has come to be before; yes, in the computers and technology that you use. Imagine what is possible when all of you are reaching for your highest good. It will be quite spectacular. This is what we want you to know is coming, for you, for all of you. All who are willing and allow the shift will take this journey. It is for all to be who they truly are: all that is. We will leave you with that for now.  Adonai