Thursday, February 14, 2008
Self Love
There is much much more. Of course there is self love. This is the one that is the most pertinent in our conversation today. For no other love can exist without this. You must know of the feeling of love for yourself to share it or to extend it to another. Your self love seems to be a problem these days for you are not always certain that you deserve it. We say yes, you not only deserve but this is the only way to allow yourself to thrive. The love that you have for you is the extent which you can experience it in the world. You will never find anything in the world that deserves your love more than you.
When you have the love for yourself that we speak of it is an expanding love. It encompasses all that you do in every day. It is the thing that gets expressed as love to others. You simply expand it out and share it every where you go. The love that you find in the relationship with yourself is the same that you have in any relationship. It is not a separate love. It is just how you choose to express it in the world.
You have had relationships where it has been perhaps not as kind and we tell you this is not love. Love is the purest expression of your kindness. If it is unkind, it is something else being expressed. To have the love that you desire in the world, there needs to be love in your world, your inner world. The outer world takes care of itself because others will always seek out love and if you are an expression of it, there will be many who will share it with you.
You have asked to have love in your life. This is why we tell you here. The love starts with you. You are the impetus for all the love you experience in the world. Any and all love that you hope to find out there first needs to be generated in you. You may feel like you have been searching out there for a long time, being disappointed that no one has brought you love.
Know now that all that is needed is your expression of love, first for yourself, then for the world. You can have all that you desire once you have it for yourself for all will expand outward. It is like living in a love bubble. You are the one that generates it. Anyone can come into your sphere and experience it.
Now, you may say it is not safe, many do not wish me well and could hurt me if I love like that. We say yes, you are right. Any time you feel as though someone can do you harm, you pull back. Your love pulls inward not to be shared. This causes relationships that are not loving. You are used to this. You have no expectation that others will love you and for the most part this is how you experience life. You say you can’t just share your love, you would become too vulnerable. You are already vulnerable. When you pull your love away, in fear you will get hurt, it hurts you. There becomes no opportunity to share love.
When you love yourself and extend it to others there is no vulnerability. You are safely protected in loves arms. There is no retreat. Others will feel it too and become excited, invigorated with the love and will rise to meet it with their own.
Ok, so you say, how do I love myself so much? I can barely look at myself some days? We know you have an issue with this. Love is not having everything exactly as you desire it, love is sharing with yourself the energy that allows for everything you desire. The vibration of love is fertile ground for all desires. When you love you, anything you choose to create can thrive. And still you say how? Allow it. Allow yourself to love and honor yourself. Stop telling yourself the things that you are not and start allowing yourself the knowing that you are a divine being, perfect in this creation, poised to the life that you desire. There is nothing wrong and there never has been.
It is a journey where you can choose to love, or not. We say choose love. It is way better. The experiences available with love surpass any dramatic adventures given by your separation from it. Again you say, I have tried to love and I have been rejected. You have rejected yourself. Choose to love yourself instead. Yes, it is that easy. Choose to love yourself and when you notice that you are not loving yourself, choose it again. Do not think this is selfish for water cannot be given from an empty well. And love cannot be generated where it does not exist. Love yourself first, then love the world. We will leave you with this now.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Two Wolves
Two Wolves: A Cherokee Teaching
An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life...
He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One wolf is evil -- he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.
The other is good---he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one you feed".
I must have told it to her 4 or 5 times. She finally got it and throughout our trip she kept asking, "Which wolf are you feeding?" It kept us all present and aware of how we were being. It was really great to be present to consciousness. Where you think is where you live. Where do you live? Which wolf are you feeding?
Monday, February 4, 2008
Perspective Changes the World
We have more to share with you today. It will be very interesting for us to see how you react to our interaction. We hope to have you see that you have all you need to move forward into a joyous loving life. It is a bold statement we know but it will be that if you choose it. We hope that you can see how you are the creator of your world. For even those of you who think that the world is a preset condition that you must live into are choosing this as your reality. You have given your power to that that already exists and sometimes this works wonderfully and sometimes it doesn't.
Start to notice those things that you just accept. It is only a truth that has been in existence, it does not have to be your truth. There are many things to focus on in this world. Your news tells you much about the tragedies of the planet but it by no means covers all of them. And who tells you about all the wonderful things here? Who tells you about people sharing love, fulfilling their dreams? You have very little demonstration of this unless you look for it. Decide that you wish to see the beauty in life instead of the misery. You will start to notice the things that always existed around you. You will notice the smile on a strangers face, an act of kindness done randomly, a miracle that could only be noticed by you. Focusing past that which you are fed by the preconditioned structured world allows you the freedom to have the experience you choose. It is time for you to define your life for yourself. This is what we wish to share with you. A complete look at your world and how you have created it.
Pretend your life is a movie. Would it be a tragedy, an adventure, a romance? How can you look at it to make yourself the hero, the victor. You have not finished the movie. There is more to come. How do you wish it to be? Where do you wish your story to go? Is there something unexpected or miraculous in the works? Will you overcome all adversity? You can change the perceptions you have on anything that has happened in your life. You can recreate your enemies and those that have done you wrong into teachers and motivators sent to you to help you redefine who you are, to help motivate you to achieve that which you want. Frequently those you see as working against you help you because they make you think of ways to overcome obstacle or make your resolve more solid. Notice how those you resist show you who you are.
This is a wonderful world you live in filled with options and possibilities at every turn. You can perceive your life in any way you like. We suggest you see it as perfect, ever evolving and fun. How would you like to see it? Keep questioning yourself until you come up with an answer you like. Follow your dreams. Enjoy the aspects of creation. Watch the world around you shift into a brand new place.
We have said enough for today. Be at peace. Light and love to all of you.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Looking Inward
There are theories out there that say you are not conscious or powerful until you know you always have the freedom to choose in every situation. We say this is correct except for the fact that you always have the ability to choose whether conscious of it or not. And you are always powerful.
As you learn about the world you start to define what you think you can do according to what others say. This keeps you limited and unable to break free of the confines of the structures given to you by others. You always have the ability to freely choose. You have just been choosing to adhere to your societal or familial rules.
Now is the time for you to be free. To be empowered by what you have learned about yourself and how you would like to experience the world. There are always options for you. But to have the options, the possibilities, you must know that they are there.
Many people experience an inability to choose what they want for they fear it does not exist. They think, I can't choose that, it's not practical. Well, we say to you now that some of the best things to have are not practical. Love is not always practical. When you keep it small and try to divvy it out with discretion it can feel frightening. Love only feels really great when you do it unabashedly.
You are coming into the time when this will make sense to you. It is time to be free, to have love, to experience all you desire. Are you ready? We are opening up to you now so you can start to see what you have not allowed yourself to see.
You are love, you are peace, you are freedom and you are joy. Whether you choose to experience yourself this way is up to you. What you have in your life is given entirely by what you choose and by what you allow.
We will give you examples now on how this can be. Many are experiencing fear. Fear is like a brick wall that comes between you and your joy. It blocks you from having what you want and it blocks you from even trying to know what you want. It is time for you to know that these walls can tumble and they will if you desire. You also seem to block yourself in thinking that somehow you are not good enough to have all you desire. This is such a strange concept to us. That you would come to a planet of abundance and limit what you will allow yourself to experience. You can have whatever you say you can have but you must also believe it.
Notice where you stop yourself. "Eww, I'd love that!" you say but immediately after you say the ten reasons you can't have it. Really? Is this how you want it to be. We would rather have you fantasize about things that seem unrealistic than have you be practical about how things need to come about. At least with a fantasy you are free.
Feel the energy of thinking about what you want. Now think about why you can't have it. The energy comes down, closes you off. It just makes you feel bad. You say , "Well, I have to be practical about things, I don't want to be disappointed." When you have the thought you don't want to be disappointed, you already are. You are holding yourself apart from what you want and somehow you are ok with that. You save yourself a big disappointment by just maintaining a low level disappointment. Let it go. This self protection, holding yourself against what you don't want, only keeps those qualities present in your life. Let go, be free.
Does this leave you open for disappointment? That is always a possibility if you look at it that way. Or you could look at it like all is an adventure. And if you get caught in a place where you do not want to be, you discover where you would rather be and start focusing on that. You are free. Do you know that? You can choose in every situation how you want it to be. You can experience life with excited anticipation or you can dread ever day hoping one day your life will turn out.
We say now, take your power. Know that you can choose your life. Start looking at what works for you. What would you like more of? What would make your heart sing? Then, focus your attention on those things. It is an amazing process. For as you look at what you want, all that you don't want falls away. It leaves your consciousness.
So we say, look at your life. See what it is that you truly desire and just start thinking about it. Get yourself comfortable with the idea of having it. This will expand and more and more you will have what you desire coming into you life.
We say this is enough for one day. There will be more to come. We are excited to be with you. Love and light to you all.