We have more to share with you today. It will be very interesting for us to see how you react to our interaction. We hope to have you see that you have all you need to move forward into a joyous loving life. It is a bold statement we know but it will be that if you choose it. We hope that you can see how you are the creator of your world. For even those of you who think that the world is a preset condition that you must live into are choosing this as your reality. You have given your power to that that already exists and sometimes this works wonderfully and sometimes it doesn't.
Start to notice those things that you just accept. It is only a truth that has been in existence, it does not have to be your truth. There are many things to focus on in this world. Your news tells you much about the tragedies of the planet but it by no means covers all of them. And who tells you about all the wonderful things here? Who tells you about people sharing love, fulfilling their dreams? You have very little demonstration of this unless you look for it. Decide that you wish to see the beauty in life instead of the misery. You will start to notice the things that always existed around you. You will notice the smile on a strangers face, an act of kindness done randomly, a miracle that could only be noticed by you. Focusing past that which you are fed by the preconditioned structured world allows you the freedom to have the experience you choose. It is time for you to define your life for yourself. This is what we wish to share with you. A complete look at your world and how you have created it.
Pretend your life is a movie. Would it be a tragedy, an adventure, a romance? How can you look at it to make yourself the hero, the victor. You have not finished the movie. There is more to come. How do you wish it to be? Where do you wish your story to go? Is there something unexpected or miraculous in the works? Will you overcome all adversity? You can change the perceptions you have on anything that has happened in your life. You can recreate your enemies and those that have done you wrong into teachers and motivators sent to you to help you redefine who you are, to help motivate you to achieve that which you want. Frequently those you see as working against you help you because they make you think of ways to overcome obstacle or make your resolve more solid. Notice how those you resist show you who you are.
This is a wonderful world you live in filled with options and possibilities at every turn. You can perceive your life in any way you like. We suggest you see it as perfect, ever evolving and fun. How would you like to see it? Keep questioning yourself until you come up with an answer you like. Follow your dreams. Enjoy the aspects of creation. Watch the world around you shift into a brand new place.
We have said enough for today. Be at peace. Light and love to all of you.