Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Manifesting in the Physical

We tell you now all is well. You have asked to know more on manifesting in the physical. Yes, you call it cash. We say it is all the same. It is an energy that you either allow to flow or not. It is up to you. We already hear the grumbling of those who have not had abundance flow and it is for this very reason, you do not believe. If you believed you would have what you desire already.
Those who have it know that they are provided for and those who don’t, believe that they won’t have what they need. Now, the big question, how to shift from believing you will not have what you need to believing you will. That is a big one for many of you. You will be surprised at the ease of the answer: desire it. You say I do desire it. We say yes, but you desire it in a way that wreaks of lack. I want money because I don’t have it. That is speaking to your lack. If you say I want money because it is what I desire, you will have a different feeling about it. All will be provided for if you just allow.
The problem is that many of you can not stay in a state of allowing. You want to take it back as if you are more capable in your fear state of being able to force it to occur. The mere act of taking it back, not having the faith or knowing it will be handled, causes you to affirm your lack. It is difficult for you to stay in the knowing that you will be provided for because you do not have the patience to allow it to unfold for you. Our best advice is to allow for abundance to flow in to you while knowing you are provided for always. It shall be for you desire it. As long as you do not affirm that you do not have it or will not have it.
It is funny to us that you will allow another person to drive you around in a vehicle and never try to grab the wheel away from them but when you want to be financially provided for you want to take control as if you will not be safely provided for by the Universe. You are meant to thrive. You are meant to grow and have all you desire. It is up to you how you actually experience the world. You will have everything you allow yourself to have.
Listen to yourself. What are you saying about what you want? Are you saying, yes, of course I should have all that I desire. Or are you limiting it to what you think is ok for you to have? This is the question we ask for you now, are you allowing what you desire to occur in your world or not? Are you allowing your fear to manifest itself as lack? Do you have so much doubt that you are only able to bring in small amount of what you desire? We say let go of your perceived ‘control’. It is only an illusion for you can only create and have that which you believe and allow in your life.
We don’t know if we can make it much clearer than that. You must know that you will have what you desire, money or otherwise for it to manifest. Allow your knowing to create and do not take it back (keep your hands off the wheel). And you shall have what you desire. We know you feel like perhaps you will be perceived as delusional. You will only be perceived that way if you do not get the results you desire.
We tell you now as long as you know that you shall have what you want it will occur for you. This is how it works. Have faith in your knowing. Know that you are provided for on every level and you shall be. Let go of all belief you will not have enough. We say you will see the results you desire. That is enough on the subject for today. Be at peace knowing all is well.