Thursday, May 1, 2008

Go with the Flow

We have come today to help you decipher your path. You have wondered for so long as to how your life will unfold. You have been thinking how will this come about, what actions will occur for you to get all that you desire. And we tell you now that ‘how’ things will occur is none of your concern. Knowing that it will occur for you is the key.
You spend far too much time trying to make your big dream come to you in small bite size pieces. You have only to focus on what you desire and allow for it to occur in your life. The actions needed will be inspired and the flow of needed items will come in. When you have to have it come in for you in a specific way it slows the progress. For the quickest, easiest path may not be seen by you.
You are the dreamer, the wisher, the creator but you do not have to be the one who puts everything into its place. You only have to allow and receive. It is this that has many hung up on their manifestations. Be clear that you are on the journey of many creations and all is flowing to you now. It is constant and never ending. You shall receive and desire again. What you have wished for has come to you and now you want more. This is the way it is and how it shall be. Get in comfort about the continuous nature of life. It never stops.
Even when you dig your heels in and resist, the flow keeps moving around you. Only in resistance you feel the force of the flow trying to move you along. Go with the flow. We know you have heard this many times but it is true. The flow of your desires comes to you and through you. You are only to keep moving through your life and allow that which you desire to come in to you.
Many say this is too easy, it can not be. But it is. And if it is so easy, do it. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. Let go of the worry, the lack, the limitation that causes you to perceive the world in a way that it does not support you. Allow the flow to move you in the directions you are desiring to go. Without force and without effort you will find yourself in alignment with circumstances that fulfill your desires.
All is well and all is flowing to you now, if you just allow. We love you so. Be at peace. Adonai.