Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello from Kat

Hi.  So glad to finally have the courage now to show my face.  Well, a cartoon version anyway.  But it is me.  I am trying to follow my guidance and come out of hiding.  It hardly seems fair that I ask my clients to be who they truly are in the world while I am still hiding out.  I have been working to overcome my fear of being who I am out in the world and part of that is going to be sharing more about myself here on my blog.  I have mostly shared channeled writings here but I will now be mixing it up a bit with posts from me. 
I want to thank Sheryl Pederson for our recent session.  She also channels and I have found great comfort in knowing her.  She also has a great blog and website:  .   She is, for a limited time, offering free mini channeled messages when you sign up for her free news letter.  I highly recommend her for sessions and information. 
With the latest rounds of big energy shifts we are all being called to clear our fears and become who we are meant to be.  I am so grateful for being able to do the work I do.  My abilities have grown clearer and stronger as I am able to hold more clear energy.  I am so grateful to all who have allowed me to assist them on their journey and I look forward to the adventure ahead.
In alignment with my new 'not hiding anymore' status, I would like to ask for any comments, questions or subject matter you would like to see addressed here from either from myself or channeled guidance.  Please email: or comment here. 
I look forward to my new world expanding and hope that you will join me. 
Peace to you,