Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Choose Up
The new year is here; 2012, year of enlightenment. We ask for you to be aware. Notice what you are choosing and how you want it to be. Our suggestion is that you choose up. Up is the growth, the expansion, the allowing of your greatness. Up is the road of moving forward, allowing healing and the past to be left behind. Choose up, focusing on only that which you desire.
There will be many who only choose to look at what is and what is wrong. Do not allow yourself to get caught up in that which you do not want. For those who fear, will have that expand. For those who doubt will have that expand. This is the old adage 'what you focus on expands'. It is true.
We give you the image of a wave rolling through the year. For those stuck in the old muck of the past will be tossed around in the mire until they choose something better. For those who choose up, there will be an opportunity to ride the wave. Let it carry you, allow you to travel further faster with more ease. Allow for what you want to occur. Nothing that you have ever wanted is enhanced by doubt or fear, so let go of that. Allow that to be in the past. Be free. Ride the wave. And choose up.