Monday, February 4, 2013
It is of utmost importance that you understand that confidence does not have to mean no fear. Yes, it is nice if you are not bumping up against fear every time you want to do something new but you need not rid yourself entirely of it before you do something.
Confidence can come from having the experience and doing well or at least surviving it. It is only for you to find the allowing. No, we are not going to say courage for that makes you think you need something that you do not have, it is only an allowing for yourself to do something that you have not done before.
If you would let yourself think about it in a different way you would be more successful. What if all is laid out for your ultimate success? What if you are only to have experiences that support you in having all you desire? What if each step of the way you are guided and supported? Yes, this is all happening now. For all of you.
It is happening in the way you say... you do not realize how much power you have in all things. We ask that you say, choose, allow for things to be the way that you desire them to be. Yes, your higher aspects are always calling you forward. You will have that no matter what. You are always being asked to move, to expand, this is what life is about. It is also why resistance feels so bad, it is also futile.
Move forward in action:
Courage is strength in action.
Compassion is love in action.
Freedom is choice in action.
Confidence can come from having the experience and doing well or at least surviving it. It is only for you to find the allowing. No, we are not going to say courage for that makes you think you need something that you do not have, it is only an allowing for yourself to do something that you have not done before.
If you would let yourself think about it in a different way you would be more successful. What if all is laid out for your ultimate success? What if you are only to have experiences that support you in having all you desire? What if each step of the way you are guided and supported? Yes, this is all happening now. For all of you.
It is happening in the way you say... you do not realize how much power you have in all things. We ask that you say, choose, allow for things to be the way that you desire them to be. Yes, your higher aspects are always calling you forward. You will have that no matter what. You are always being asked to move, to expand, this is what life is about. It is also why resistance feels so bad, it is also futile.
Move forward in action:
Courage is strength in action.
Compassion is love in action.
Freedom is choice in action.