Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Yes, we want you to be happy and believe that all will be taken care of and know that you are expanding…
Allowing for that will facilitate all that you desire to occur more easily, more peacefully.  
There is no need for stress because you know all is unfolding perfectly for you now. 
Your path is being shown and being expanded. 
Allow for life to flow with ease; to have peace knowing all is well. 
Let go of the idea that you need to control your life to have it work out. 
How about having a desire or intent and allowing that to flourish in the world? 
Allowing you just to follow your passion in life.  
Enjoying every moment of experience.
Point yourself in the direction you want to go, your expansion awaits.
We are with you in all things.  We love you.  Adonai