Sunday, June 29, 2008

Intentional Creation

We say to you today, all is well. We say this everyday for every day is as it should be. Find peace in this.
You are having the experience that you have been guided to through your intention. You are as you say you are intentionally. Or perhaps some of you not so intentionally. Some of you say things that you do not wish to create in your experience. Like ‘ people are stupid’ or ‘I never get what I want’. These are statements people make and create in their lives. You don’t really think about it. But, in the statement you are causing this to be alive in your life. How about, ‘all the people I meet support me on my path’ or ‘only good things come to me’. This could work better in creating all that you desire.
You act like the things you desire are taken more seriously when it is actually the statements you repeat unconsciously that have a hold on you. Be conscious of what you are saying, what you are thinking, what you are allowing in to your world.
This is what is meant by conscious empowerment. You have the power to create what you want intentionally instead of unconsciously continuing to say the things you do not really want that don’t serve you.
Say what you want. Consciously create that which you desire. Pay attention to where you are in your creations. Do not let your observation of what is (usually negative observations) create your world. Create your world from where you want to be. Make statements from your desire not from your dislike. If you see something you do not like, make a statement of what you would rather have. Let the world be your inspiration for new desires.
This is how the world expands. This is how your world expands. Be at peace. All is well.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Your Life Is Now

The only life you will ever have is the one you have right now.
This is to say that now is the only moment that ever exists. You live your life in the sequence of now. Where your thought is, where your feeling is, where your experience is; is where you are always.
You can be in the remembrance of the past in this now moment. Or you could be in the exhilaration of a future that has not come to pass. Your experience of life is all that is present in each now moment.
So the question then becomes: where do you want to be in each now moment? You have the choice, as always.
Sometimes you fall into the forgetfulness and you think this is all happening to you, when clearly, you always have the choice of your state of being.
This is all you need to remember in these moments: how do I want it to be? How do I want to experience life? Then choose that. Allow it to be your state of being.
Point in the direction you wish to go and allow yourself to be there.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


You have come today wanting to know why? Why does not matter. Having the reasoning for ‘why’ things are the way they are does not serve you. You only need to know what is and where you would like to go.
Much of your time could be spent trying to figure it out. We say this is a waste of time. Just notice what is, then move forward. You have too many constructs around how and why things are the way they are. If it served you to know all of this in that kind of way you would find some satisfaction in the reasoning you come up with. Any reasoning you may come up with is just a construct. It is a belief that this is the way it is. And we tell you now, it can be any way you wish it to be.
Life is not happening to you. It happens in accordance with you. It shows up in ways that you will allow, in ways that you believe. So, as we have told you many times, look at what you are believing. Look at the confines that your life has to come in. When you believe that life can only happen a certain way, everything flows to match that belief. You do not have to have these constraints.
It is time for you to be free. To allow the free flowing of life. To have your desires flow in to you from any direction. Can you allow this? Will your logical mind step back long enough for you to receive what you desire in a way that is unknown to you? Are you willing to have what you want by allowing the universe to bring it in without attachments to how that will be?
Notice your response to this. Does the thought of having what you want without building all the steps to get it yourself confuse you? Do not set up the obstacle course for yourself. It does not have to be that difficult or confining.
Allow for what you want to flow to you now. Let go and allow the flow of all you desire in to you now. We shall leave you with this for today.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Know Your Power

It is time for you to know your power. You have created your world to be as it is. You have seen your choices manifest for you, for as you say it is, it is.
You have seen this when you meet someone and you decide who they are by your judgements. These people will continue to show up that way for you until you release your judgements of them. It is time to know that your judgements aren’t working for you.
Let your consciousness create for you. How do you wish others to be? Perhaps you could create the people in your life to be guides and assistants. You can have people show up for you to give you information that will move you forward. You can have people show up to move you in the direction you wish to go. Even those who show up in direct contrast of your point of view will help you by allowing you the true knowing of your beliefs.
This is what is causing your world; your beliefs. If you loosen up on your beliefs and allow for what is best for you, what you are wanting, more of this will show up for you.
Many think their beliefs are unchangeable. This is untrue and you can see it in your life. Your parents taught you many things that as you have grown through experience you have found they are not true for you. This can be true of anything you believe. You may have been told your desires are not worth while, they are not practical, they will not serve you in this world. But no one can tell you what will serve you. You have been given a unique set of desires. They are yours, noone else can decipher them for you. You must know what is your true desire and flow with it. If you have beliefs that get in the way, let them go.
Say you are an artist. You have been told by others it is not practical to be this, you will starve. You have to know that your heart, your desires are guiding you in the direction you are wishing to go. But if you believe that they are right, you will not thrive. You have overlaid your desire with another’s belief. You have adopted it and now you have two contrasting beliefs. One that you desire and one that holds you back from what you desire. It is time to reconcile your belief.
You must consciously choose that which you truly want. You cannot hold onto both and have your true desires thrive. It is like trying to drive a car going forward and put it in reverse. You will not get very far. Even if you vacillate from what you truly desire to others belief, it will still have you moving forward then backwards. You must choose and hold your truth. Many will tell you that you are doing the wrong thing if you allow it. Do not allow what other people say to influence your truth.
The time for blindly following what others say is gone. It is the time to be conscious and follow your own truth. Be aware, be awake in your own life. Notice what you allow in to your consciousness. Focus only on those things you desire and let go of all that does not support you. Follow your own path, your own knowing, your own conscious choices.
We say, you are powerful, a powerful creator. You can create from a place of misunderstanding or from a place of consciousness. You choose.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Be You

Yes, you wish to know how all of this works. Well, we tell you today that all that is needed is within you. You are the expression that needs to be made in this world. You have been told for a long time to conform to that which is acceptable. Acceptable behavior, acceptable looking, acceptable communications. And we tell you now that you, your true self, the best expression of yourself, is not only acceptable, it is exceptional.
If you were to allow yourself to be yourself; communicate from your truth, to express yourself as you truly are, not only would your world be different, the whole world would be different. Imagine a place where each individual was free to be who they truly are. Not corralled by expectations. Not dictated by others standards for existence. But you, being free, all the time. This is what we tell you is not only possible but is necessary.
Gone are the days of desiring to all be the same. We are not formed from cookie cutters. We are meant to be as individuals to play our part in the greater whole. The world is not complete without your unique expression of you.
Be yourself, all day long. Allow your true nature to be expressed. Speak your truth. And the great thing is; you are always the one who knows best for you. No one can tell you what you should be for they do not know. Only you know who you desire to be, what you desire to have or what experiences you will choose.
Today, choose to be who you desire yourself to be. Let your expression of you be your truth, be your unique contribution to the world. This is what you are meant to do, just be you.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You Are

You are. That is our complete statement to you this evening. ‘You are’ says it all. You are the creation of you. You are the inhabitant of you. You are the decision maker of you. You are the one that assesses and judges all in you life as good or bad, as acceptable or not.
This is what we have to tell you; you are, whole and complete. You are as you desire to be, as you say you are. This is what you must note. All of your life is your creation. Allow yourself to be more of what you are wanting to be. You want to be more prosperous; so allow yourself the feeling of abundance. This beckons the abundance to you. Be joyful in your creations.
All is well. There is no need to take back your desires. Nothing that you can dream of is too big for you to have. Allow yourself what you desire now. Let go of the logic that prevents the ‘miracles’ from coming forth. They are not really miracles, they are the responses you are desiring unfettered by your logical mind. All can be brought in to you with the greatest ease if you just allow what you want to come in from any direction.
Just remember what you want. Be clear. Be happy about it, excited even, then, just allow it to flow in to you. Is it that easy? Well, yes and no. Your creations are always this, but when you have ideas about how it should be, the obstacle course begins.
Allow for the easiest, most harmonious way for all your desires to come in to your life. This is easy, except for when you make it hard. There is no ‘you are doing it wrong’. You are just doing what you are doing. We have come only to give you guidance to have what you desire more easily.
We tell you now, this is easier: be happy, peaceful, desire what you want, allow, be happy, peaceful, desire.... You get the picture. The universe supports you in all your desires. Allow the assistance you desire. Allow for your fulfillment on all levels. Be at peace.