Thursday, June 12, 2008

Know Your Power

It is time for you to know your power. You have created your world to be as it is. You have seen your choices manifest for you, for as you say it is, it is.
You have seen this when you meet someone and you decide who they are by your judgements. These people will continue to show up that way for you until you release your judgements of them. It is time to know that your judgements aren’t working for you.
Let your consciousness create for you. How do you wish others to be? Perhaps you could create the people in your life to be guides and assistants. You can have people show up for you to give you information that will move you forward. You can have people show up to move you in the direction you wish to go. Even those who show up in direct contrast of your point of view will help you by allowing you the true knowing of your beliefs.
This is what is causing your world; your beliefs. If you loosen up on your beliefs and allow for what is best for you, what you are wanting, more of this will show up for you.
Many think their beliefs are unchangeable. This is untrue and you can see it in your life. Your parents taught you many things that as you have grown through experience you have found they are not true for you. This can be true of anything you believe. You may have been told your desires are not worth while, they are not practical, they will not serve you in this world. But no one can tell you what will serve you. You have been given a unique set of desires. They are yours, noone else can decipher them for you. You must know what is your true desire and flow with it. If you have beliefs that get in the way, let them go.
Say you are an artist. You have been told by others it is not practical to be this, you will starve. You have to know that your heart, your desires are guiding you in the direction you are wishing to go. But if you believe that they are right, you will not thrive. You have overlaid your desire with another’s belief. You have adopted it and now you have two contrasting beliefs. One that you desire and one that holds you back from what you desire. It is time to reconcile your belief.
You must consciously choose that which you truly want. You cannot hold onto both and have your true desires thrive. It is like trying to drive a car going forward and put it in reverse. You will not get very far. Even if you vacillate from what you truly desire to others belief, it will still have you moving forward then backwards. You must choose and hold your truth. Many will tell you that you are doing the wrong thing if you allow it. Do not allow what other people say to influence your truth.
The time for blindly following what others say is gone. It is the time to be conscious and follow your own truth. Be aware, be awake in your own life. Notice what you allow in to your consciousness. Focus only on those things you desire and let go of all that does not support you. Follow your own path, your own knowing, your own conscious choices.
We say, you are powerful, a powerful creator. You can create from a place of misunderstanding or from a place of consciousness. You choose.