Sunday, June 29, 2008

Intentional Creation

We say to you today, all is well. We say this everyday for every day is as it should be. Find peace in this.
You are having the experience that you have been guided to through your intention. You are as you say you are intentionally. Or perhaps some of you not so intentionally. Some of you say things that you do not wish to create in your experience. Like ‘ people are stupid’ or ‘I never get what I want’. These are statements people make and create in their lives. You don’t really think about it. But, in the statement you are causing this to be alive in your life. How about, ‘all the people I meet support me on my path’ or ‘only good things come to me’. This could work better in creating all that you desire.
You act like the things you desire are taken more seriously when it is actually the statements you repeat unconsciously that have a hold on you. Be conscious of what you are saying, what you are thinking, what you are allowing in to your world.
This is what is meant by conscious empowerment. You have the power to create what you want intentionally instead of unconsciously continuing to say the things you do not really want that don’t serve you.
Say what you want. Consciously create that which you desire. Pay attention to where you are in your creations. Do not let your observation of what is (usually negative observations) create your world. Create your world from where you want to be. Make statements from your desire not from your dislike. If you see something you do not like, make a statement of what you would rather have. Let the world be your inspiration for new desires.
This is how the world expands. This is how your world expands. Be at peace. All is well.