Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hawaiian Home Again

Aloha All,
It has been some time since I have written to my blog.  I have been moving and transitioning in many ways.  Most significantly is my returning to Hawaii.  I grew up in Hawaii but haven't been back for many years.  Somehow the universe has arranged itself to allow me to come back and finally have the time and environment most appropriate for me to write the book that I have been feeling inside of me for so long.
For those of you finding yourself in changing environments and experiences, just know that all is working for your highest good.  Also, if you are having inklings or ideas about things and you can't even imagine how they can come about, just keep following your path knowing the way can be made for you even if you have no idea how. 
I am the example of this now.  My life has changed dramatically in many ways.  I have adopted the motto of "Go with the flow" to allow myself more ease of movement.  Too much, too fast, too unbelievable for me to understand with my intellectual mind.  But all I know is I have been expanded beyond my own expectations and deposited gently on the shores of Hawaii.
Although I will still be working with clients via phone much of my time now will be committed to writing.  I am so excited for this.  As I sit on my lanai with a breeze blowing, looking across to the ocean, the idea that all things are possible is simply reinforced.  My faith in my path has been fortified and my knowing that all will be revealed as necessary is clear.
It seems very relevant that I make it here for the 12/12/12 and that I am here for the 12/21/12 too.
I hope to share with you my adventures in paradise, that which is my environment outside of me and that which is within me.
I still look forward to supporting all of you to your own version of paradise, inside and out.
Aloha nui loa,

Today's wisdom

Only as high as I reach, can I grow 

Only as far as I seek, can I go 

Only as deep as I look, can I see 

Only as much as I dream, can I be 

-Karen Ravn

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Be a powerful expression of you in the world

Excerpt from client message; good for many of us-

You need to stop thinking that who you are is not exactly as you are supposed to be. This is who you are. This is who you were meant to be. Revel in that. Glorify yourself in that. Not in your ego, not in your head. In yourself. 
Feel it in you at the core of who you are and know that you are exactly as you are meant to be. It is not a mistake, it is not you are miss-fit. You are playing your role perfectly. Stop fighting yourself. Let go of the part of you that ducks and weaves when someone reaches for you. Let go of the part of you that believes you are anything except fabulous and remarkable and fantastic and genius. Let your ego step aside so you, You, can really feel it. Express yourself. Not from a point of being separate, from the viewpoint of knowing who you are and expressing your perspective from there. 
You are meant to share who you are, meant to have an impact from your view. But you are distracting your self with the 'I don't fit in' routine. Or thinking you are not good enough. Let it go. It is such a waste of time. 
You are exactly as you need to be. You have to start taking your power. Know your energy, as is, in the world contributes in perfection. That is where your power lies, in knowing who you are, feeling that, being that. With no apologies, only exaltation.
 Be a free spirit, doing you, in the world.  Be a powerful expression of you in the world, do not recede or play coy. There is no time for that. 
If you want what you want and will allow yourself to have it, you can have it now. But, the caveat is that you have to be you powerfully expressed in the world.
I hope this is getting through to you. Even if you don't listen to this here. Listen to yourself. Ask the world what it needs to tell you. Listen and take it in. Decide who you want to be, who you are. 
You are meant to be powerful.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Your Life

Have you thought about what you want? Have you thought about how you want it to be? 
 Feel your way through. Stop thinking about it. It can all be felt in your heart as your truth. Follow that.
You can expand your perspective to allow for more of what you want. 
Focus on loving your life. Being who you are.  Expressing it and sharing it with the world. The way that only you do. Relishing each experience. Loving.
Have your view of the world serve you. Allow for more of what you want. Shift your focus only to what you desire being fulfilled, feel that, allow for that. 
Have your life be what you desire. Have your life bring you excitement and intrigue. Have peace and joy. Be free. 
And love, love all day long. We are with you always. You are connected to the all that is, that is what you are. Be at peace.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hotter or Colder

This is about becoming the truth of you. You are a divine being, come to this planet to express the truth of you. To support and inspire those who want to choose this too.
You are here to be the way showers. The ones who guide here on the planet. You are to them as we are to you. You guide and support with love and grace.
A beautiful thing in its simplicity.
But just as you create your world to be, so shall it be. Let go of the old confines of your experiential beliefs (that which an experienced happened and then you decide what that is), forever changing to fit that which had been experienced.
You will find your way. It is like cream rising to the top. So let yourself float.
We are here to guide and support.
You know who you are, just be that. It is time. Allow for all you desire now. Make choices from the point of what you desire not what has been. This desire and intention will pull you into your dreams gently like a rolling river, speeding up or slowing down, it is all part of the journey.
Know that you can enjoy it now. Allow the fulfillment of all you desire to be experienced now in the feeling place. Hold the space of how you will feel as you have your desires. It is in the desires creation that contains every new moment of possibility until your desires manifest. You enjoy until you desire more and even then, you can still enjoy all. We are giving you the time to process in peace.
Allow the release of all that no longer is to your highest good and create your desire and allow it to happen. It is that easy. And it is that hard.
You can see your guide posts, your compass. It tells you which way to go by your emotions. Feeling good is toward the fulfillment, feeling bad is away from it. Feeling expansive is toward your highest good, feeling contracted is away from your highest good.
It is like that game where you call “colder” or “hotter” to tell someone of the proximity to their goal. Your emotions are that, a compass, a guidepost, a “you are here” sign.
In any circumstance you can feel yourself in alignment, you can intend that you be in alignment, energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically. You are attached to all parts of you. There is no living without every aspect of yourself so allow all to be well.
A simple intent allows for so much more. Be open in all ways, expansiveness serves your highest good. I love you. We love you too. Feel this now. All that is supports you in all ways.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Allowing More

Yes, you are allowing more now.  It is all for you to have, now.
Ok, we know that you do not live the way that we do in our time negotiations.  We see it all now.  Whether something has manifested yet or not does not mean it is not there.
You need to live knowing that all of who you will be, all that you desire, all that will come, already exist at an energetic level.  Things do shift and change, you may decide something different tomorrow and ultimately change its manifestation.  That does not mean that it does not exist at the level of possibility at an energetic level.
We want you to find that feeling place of the already having what you desire, or could ever desire.  The knowing you will always be taken care of and that your path is unfolding perfectly for your highest good.
And your highest good it the highest good for the planet too.  For you being who you are is what is desired for all.  If all participate in this, the world will change rapidly.
We tell you all of this so you can know and share your knowing with others so that they can feel their own knowing and participate in the the world that way.  This not only will allow greater fulfillment for you and others but will contribute to the whole in exponential ways.
The shifts in your way of being will be beyond any experience that earth beings have had.  The peace and love that is available and expanding is allowing for this huge shift.
As individuals and as a whole now, you are moving forward, all in the same direction, all toward your highest good.  We tell you now, and again, all is well.  Allow that knowing to be where you live.  Allow the knowing that what you desire is in manifestation now.  Allow the creation to be easy and peaceful and exciting and lovely.  Allow for what you want now.  We love you so.  Adonai.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thought for the day...

If you are feeling lost trying to follow the crowd, maybe you are meant to lead.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Platform of Peace

Yes, we are here. We wish to tell you more now. You are ready to move forward. This last bit of fear or trepidation is the last bit to move. You have as you have called it 'stage fright'. It is only a perception of doubt. You can let go of that too. It is only for you to notice and release. All is well. You are experiencing all as it needs to be.
Let go of your judgment of how you are supposed to be doing and allow yourself to be as you are. It does not need changing. You only need to expand who you are and choose what you want. It is that easy. Let go of that which does not work. You have done that, you know what that is like.
Now move forward in more of what you want. Let your desire for more be you motivating factor. You are clear enough to expand without impediments. You are able now to move forward in freedom to have what you desire. Allow for the peace of this to expand through you.
You have been so concerned about doing it right that you have not understood doing it is right. That is all. No judgments. You are moving forward and that is all that is called for. All else is malleable. You can change anything you do not like or want to move past. There is always more . And the more you say no to, the more that you can say yes to as well. You will move faster now that you understand there is no wrong doing. There is only movement forward.
You have had what we like to call a long and challenging birth. You had to allow for the evolving of the spirit in a way the moved you through all the pain to see that you could do that. It is no longer necessary for you now. Now you can just choose another way. The attachment to the pain is no longer valid. You know that you are free and you can experience that now. You can know that all is well and you are able to have what you desire more abundantly now. Just let go.
Reacquaint yourself with what you desire and allow for it to unfold. Let go of that which you do not want rather that trying to analyze or dissect it. It needs not to be examined, it needs to be let go of now. You can just sail past that which you do not what if you can allow that.
Be at peace. This is what we request of you always. Allow it to be what you are wanting in all as your base. This is the foundation you have built and all can be built on this strong foundation. This is why we support many in meditation for it allows the peace to be the resting place. You have done this in different ways though know it does not matter how this is achieved for the effect is the same for all.
A platform of peace allows for the freedom of expansion. You are in this place now. So how would you like it to be now. Easy, peaceful and harmonious unfolding. Then, that is what shall be. Your magic and miracles have access now to you and through you as all does. Allow what you desire to come forth. Yes, I allow all good things now. Allow for the expansion of your spirit in all experiences. This will bring you very different results for you have seen past the limitation to what is possible and your location has changed .
You now live in the possibilities. This is a better place for you to reside because you can have what you want here now. We have explained this to you so you may feel that place and understand you can live there more easily than living in the place where all the challenges are present. Allow for the rearranging of all that you no longer desire to bring you more of what you want. It is that which you desire that will show in this space and time. You are free to choose and free to desire all. Be at ease with this for that is the best place for creation. You can rest in the knowing that all is well and all shall forever be well.
 All that is required is for you to be you. It is all that you will ever need for your ultimate success and happiness. This is the place to live, to rest, to create. Allow for its unfolding now. We are with you and we assist in all, now and forever. We are with you. This is all for now.  We love you.  Allow all to be easy now. Adonai.

Monday, March 5, 2012

More Then... a conversation

Ok, so I want to have an amazing life. You do have an amazing life. Ok, you're right. More then. Ok, there will be more, much more. You will have more than you have dreamed.
For now let us focus on your questions of healing and releasing. You wish to be more comfortable right? Yes. We say love yourself more. Be kind and loving and do not resist the urging you get from us. We have not pushed but for what you are asking for more action is required. I'm good with that.
To have all that you desire happen is going to mean that you must create more, in joy of course. You must become creator, intend-or, inspired action-or. This is what we will guide you in.
Be back to who you desire yourself to be. Let go of ideas that you need to be anything for any body else. It is only required for you to be at peace. Allow others to deal with themselves. Put yourself on the road that you desire now. You are ready and apparently willing. You will be supported in all things. Know that all can come about now. You can be happy at peace and loving yourself and your life now. This is all that is required. And yes inspired action. Allow it to be.
 Break way from your habitual resistance. Release all fear and doubt. Trust, allow, enjoy, these are what are required now. Yes, it is that easy and it is that hard. Let go of judgments now and allow for what you desire to unfold. It is all just what is...and what will be.
We love you so. Yes, this is for you to share too. We love you. Be at peace, all is well. Adonai.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Choose Up

The new year is here; 2012, year of enlightenment. We ask for you to be aware. Notice what you are choosing and how you want it to be. Our suggestion is that you choose up. Up is the growth, the expansion, the allowing of your greatness. Up is the road of moving forward, allowing healing and the past to be left behind. Choose up, focusing on only that which you desire.
There will be many who only choose to look at what is and what is wrong. Do not allow yourself to get caught up in that which you do not want. For those who fear, will have that expand. For those who doubt will have that expand. This is the old adage 'what you focus on expands'. It is true.
We give you the image of a wave rolling through the year. For those stuck in the old muck of the past will be tossed around in the mire until they choose something better. For those who choose up, there will be an opportunity to ride the wave. Let it carry you, allow you to travel further faster with more ease. Allow for what you want to occur. Nothing that you have ever wanted is enhanced by doubt or fear, so let go of that. Allow that to be in the past. Be free. Ride the wave. And choose up.