Friday, April 20, 2012

Allowing More

Yes, you are allowing more now.  It is all for you to have, now.
Ok, we know that you do not live the way that we do in our time negotiations.  We see it all now.  Whether something has manifested yet or not does not mean it is not there.
You need to live knowing that all of who you will be, all that you desire, all that will come, already exist at an energetic level.  Things do shift and change, you may decide something different tomorrow and ultimately change its manifestation.  That does not mean that it does not exist at the level of possibility at an energetic level.
We want you to find that feeling place of the already having what you desire, or could ever desire.  The knowing you will always be taken care of and that your path is unfolding perfectly for your highest good.
And your highest good it the highest good for the planet too.  For you being who you are is what is desired for all.  If all participate in this, the world will change rapidly.
We tell you all of this so you can know and share your knowing with others so that they can feel their own knowing and participate in the the world that way.  This not only will allow greater fulfillment for you and others but will contribute to the whole in exponential ways.
The shifts in your way of being will be beyond any experience that earth beings have had.  The peace and love that is available and expanding is allowing for this huge shift.
As individuals and as a whole now, you are moving forward, all in the same direction, all toward your highest good.  We tell you now, and again, all is well.  Allow that knowing to be where you live.  Allow the knowing that what you desire is in manifestation now.  Allow the creation to be easy and peaceful and exciting and lovely.  Allow for what you want now.  We love you so.  Adonai.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thought for the day...

If you are feeling lost trying to follow the crowd, maybe you are meant to lead.