Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Native American Ten Commandments

Hi, Kat here, I found this on I thought I would share it.

The Earth is our Mother, care for Her
Honor all your Relations
Open your Heart and Soul to Great Spirit
All life is sacred; treat all beings with Respect
Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more
Do what needs to be done for the good of all
Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day
Speak the Truth; but only of the good in others
Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the Sun
Enjoy Life’s journey; but leave no tracks

May the warm winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder

Monday, April 21, 2008

Perfect You

We tell you now, today is like no other. A day to be cherished, for when it is gone there will be not another one like it. You shall have the opportunity today to tell those you love that you love them. You will have the opportunity to know that all is well.
You will have the opportunity to know that you are the perfect expression of you in the world. We hear you now, I am not perfect. We say, yes you are. You are the only you that exist and you do you perfectly. Might you do you differently tomorrow? Yes, probably. But that does not mean you aren’t the perfect expression of yourself today, right now.
Life only exist right now. You have the choice, the opportunity to be who you desire to be right now. Be the perfect you now. Whole and complete, beautiful and flawed, honored for your existence.
You are as you are and you can love yourself exactly as you are right now. And when tomorrow comes and you change you can still love yourself as you are for you are ever expanding, an ever lovable being. Love yourself. Then see if maybe you can love another for their perfect expression of who they are today and encourage them to be all that they desire.
This is what we wish to tell you today; all is in perfection, all is ever expanding to its most expansive expression. All is well. Adonai.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Allowing the World

Your ability to allow things to be as they are keeps you from upset. The world gives you many opportunities to see what you desire and what you do not desire. It is not that the world should only be as you like it, it should be that you notice only that which you like.
Be easy with yourself and stop saying how the world isn’t the way you wish it to be. Notice all of the wonderful, beautiful things that serve you. Leave the rest alone unless you are inspired to make a difference in that area. Focus on the difference you would like to make and not on the problem that you see. It is time for you to be able to create the world as you wish and this comes from being able to notice that which you enjoy. Focus on that which interests you and it shall expand. Focus on the problems and they will expand too. Allow space for what you desire. Allow the world to be what it is without you objecting to it. Focus on that which you want. What you focus on expands.
Kat- Just wanted to expand on this in my own words. I hear people complaining about things frequently. A complaint is the energy connection that keeps that situation alive in your life. The more you say how it is, the more it is that way for you. The energy ties you to it.
If you complain about the world not being a peaceful place, are you adding to the peace or to the disharmony? If you wish to impact peace in the world, be peaceful. When you notice things you do not like, notice then what you would prefer and do that. When you notice things to be "wrong" you keep seeing that thing. You keep proving to yourself how wrong it is. Stop keeping everything you deem to be wrong present in your life. Start focusing on that which is "right" in your world and that will expand.
And be easy with yourself. There is no wrong and right. It is only your preference and what works for you.
So, what do you prefer?
I was noticing the other day how much I love my life. I was saying in my head, " I love my life. I love my friends. I love my home. I love my community. I love my world." And I heard my guidance, very clearly say, "Then why would you choose it to be any other way."
I choose to love my life. How are you choosing your life to be?

Friday, April 11, 2008


You say you want to know about trust. On the path of your knowingness you will come upon trust. First there is trust, then faith, then knowing.
Trust is a funny thing for when you give it, you are giving your permission to that which you desire. When you do not trust you hold yourself apart from that which you desire. Mistrusting actually separates you from that which you desire even when you have it.
When you do not trust that you will have money continuing to flow, it disrupts the flow. When you do not trust in a relationship, it keeps you from knowing the full experience of love because you are holding back that part of yourself. You are almost waiting for things to go wrong when you do not trust.
Mistrust and worry have the same ability to separate you from that which you want. Worry, doubt and mistrust cast a shadow on all you desire. You will never fully have what you desire when these are present.
When you are able to trust, you are allowing yourself the full experience. Allow yourself to be present in each moment knowing that your life will unfold for you in a way that expands all your desires. This is what continues to allow flow.
Know that every aspect of your life is wanting to expand into the fullest expression of being. You are to have what you want. Can you trust that? Life is meant to be enjoyed. Allow yourself the fullest expression of that by trusting, having faith and knowing that all is well. Be at peace. Adonai.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You Have the Answer

You keep looking for the answers and we tell you now they are all inside. Noone can tell you what is right for you. There is only guidance from all around you. It is your response, your reaction that tells you how you feel about any situation.
If someone insults you, you recognize it as an insult or perhaps you identify it as true. When you are complimented, do you agree that you are wonderful or do you say no, not me. Notice your response to the outside world. Do you agree with what you are being shown or do you desire something else. This is how the world can give you guidance. Only by allowing you to notice what is really there for you. Allowing your knowing of what that is brings you to you ability to choose what is most appropriate for you. Noone can choose for you.
Be aware if you allow others to influence you. Are you rebelling against what another desires for you? Are you choosing something to avoid another’s choice? Are you making choices to please others? Make your decisions from a place of freedom. A place of your own choosing and desire without judgement or explanation. Choose that which will make you happy. And what makes you happy is your decision, your knowing, your desire.
All is of your own creation. Make it what you desire it to be now. You have all the answers.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

All is well

We say to you today,"All is well." All is well every day. Knowing this will change your life.
Many of you look for the things to be wrong in your life. You look for that which you don’t want. We say today, for a change, look for all that you do like. Notice the blue of the sky and how perfect it is. Notice the kindness of someone you don’t know. Notice how you had the right answer to a question someone asked. All is well.
There is no need to focus on anything that is not flowing in the direction you wish to go. You will find more ease, more peace, more freedom by finding those things you can delight in now. Retrain yourself to be present to all that you desire revealing itself to you. No longer notice that which does not please you. Focus on what you want and more will be revealed to you. As you have heard, what you focus on expands. It expands and flows in to you. Notice how what you focus on that delights you will show up again just so you may delight in it again.
Allow your life to be a succession of lovely experiences for this is what it is meant to be. We love you so. Be well.