Monday, December 8, 2008

Your Truth

We have come today to speak about truth. Truth is its own barometer. There is no ultimate truth because you always create your own. What is true for you is most likely not true for all. You measure what is true not by facts or figures but how it applies to you.
We say there is one more factor to consider when you are deciphering your truth; does it work for you?
Many of you adhere to truths that not only don’t serve you but specifically block you from thriving. If you hold a belief long enough, it becomes your truth and when you are the exact opposite of the truth you hold you create conflict and discordant energy. This will disrupt any peace you hope to have unless you are will to change your belief, your truth.
Let us explain: perhaps you have been raised with parents who are doctors, whose lives are given by the value of science and you are an artist. The values your parents have may discredit and devalue what is your natural inclination or gift. If you hold their truth as your truth, even though art may be something you love, it will cause you discomfort; dis-ease.
This is one example and for whatever level of lack of peace you have, there can be many more. In each area of your life you can be keeping truths or beliefs that do not support who you are. In this, your ability to thrive is diminished. You must know that who you are, your natural inclinations of your gift and abilities must be the utmost revered value in your life. To take on other people values will create unhappiness at many levels.
We suggest you start to notice where you are overlaying others beliefs in your life. It will be easy for if you notice your unhappiness in any situation. You should be able to see where your personal values are being overridden by another’s values. You do this in many forms. Sometimes you may take on what you believe that societal view is. If this is not in alignment with your beliefs it will cause discomfort too. Just start to be aware. Notice how you are in or out of alignment with who you are. Allow for who you are, who you were meant to be, to be the ultimate guide for your truth. If you allow for this peace, joy, happiness and thriving will naturally flow in your life.
We wish you well in all for all is well. Peace to you. Adoani

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yes, there are many opportunities available now. If you choose to look at is this way. You may see many things that look like they are falling apart and we tell you now, it is a reorganizing that is happening. It is time for all to be in alignment for what you want.
To have what you want you need to remove that which is not what you want. We have said it before, to be happy you can not have unhappiness. To be wealthy you cannot think you are poor or undeserving. There are many construct that need to be eliminated now. As you world seems to fall apart, it is only the opportunity for you to rebuild it as you desire.
When all seems to come undone, look. See what way you would choose for it to be rebuilt. Create your life in the way you wish it to be. Do not get caught up in how all could really be falling apart and the tragedy of it all. There is no tragedy unless you allow it to occur.
It is all just opportunity for you to create a new perspective for yourself. It is an opening for the new. It is the possibility for you to have what you truly want and to not just go along with what is.
You have the power to create life as you desire it to be. Let yourself have what you want. Stop thinking things are out of your reach. You get to decide. You get to be the one that determines what you can and cannot have. It is up to you.
Choose what you want and let all that is not in alignment slip away. You will see change in you world. You will have more of what you want, and then, you will want more.
Be at peace for all is well. You are loved beyond measure. Adonai.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People, Good or Bad

You never get the best out of people if you think the worst of them.
This is the statement we wish to start with for it has the power of knowing within it. You know that you cannot focus on what is not wanted and be open to receive what is wanted. Or, you cannot look for the ‘bad’ and be open for the ‘good’. This is true in all things but for people in particular we are speaking of now.
When you hold a thought of someone being a particular way, they are more apt to show up that way for you. When someone is cheery and smiles you have that expectation and you respond to them in that way. Conversely, if you have expectations that someone will be angry or disruptive, this will cause you to be resistant and hold your energy in a way that is defensive. When you do this it actually causes another to react in that way more. You are creating a negative magnetism. It actually repels others. This will cause a continuation of the experience that you expect.
If you are able to let go of your expectations of how someone is or actually project or expect that they will show up for you in a way that will make your interactions with them pleasant, you leave a space for this to occur. You will have the ability to deal with them in a way that allows them to be as they are and you can be at peace and detached about your interactions. You can be open for a relationship that reflects your desires rather that your fears.
It is up to you to hold the thoughts of how you desire it to be. To be intentional about your interactions with others. To set the tone and desire for all that you participate in with all you interact with every day. Focus on what you want. And what you focus on expands.
Allow people to show up for you in a way that works for you and your interactions. Put expectations, intentions and desires that allow others to be their best selves with you. Your interactions will become as you desire them to be rather than what you fear them to be. Release your fear of others. Allow any resistance to being with others go. Be open to allowing that which you desire to come forth in all your relationships and you will be happily surprised by your experiences.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcome Back!

Hello! I am back. After a long hiatus I have come back to my writing once again. I have missed being in contact and for those of you who requested more, more is on the way.
I have, as I know many have, been through a lot in the last few months. Each time that I have thought I was stable I was presented with a new set of challenges. Although I am not where I ultimately want to be, I am proud to say that I have found a way to be at peace amongst the chaos. As a person who loves to be grounded, to feel solidly in place, I have been put in a position of floating. Like a feather in the air. I have had to find my balance in this, in floating. It has taken some time but I have realized to a greater depth all that I have been taught. That indeed your state of being supersedes your circumstance. This is to say; circumstances don't matter, your state of being matters.
As the world has taken many turns lately it has given us all an opportunity to discover who we are and what we want. For after the shock and perhaps paralysis that accompanies many life/world changes, you must decide who you are in the midst of this. Are you one who will cower in despair? Or are you choosing to affirm all is well in the world?
There is certainly more apparent "evidence" to have a negative viewpoint but where do you really want to live?
With the recent election a clear message has been sent; most of us want to choose hope over fear. This is where it all begins. With the choice. For once you know the direction you wish to head in, you will also align with that which you desire. As I always say, "Point in the direction of what you want."
You cannot continue to complain about all that is wrong and be in alignment with that which you desire. I have a friend who was concerned about being able to pay some bills. He said, "No money is coming in. I can't find a job anywhere. Everyone is in financial trouble." If you want financial abundance, you cannot keep complaining and affirming what you don't want. You must leave space for what you do want to come in.
Now, mind you, my friend was able to pay his bills. Everything turned out fine. But he suffered on the path to receiving what he wanted.
I explained it recently to another friend like this: I am a single woman. I would like to have a love relationship in my life. I have dated men that I have enjoyed and even loved but have not yet found a partner. I could rightly complain how my prince charming hasn't shown up yet. How I'm getting older and it is so difficult to find someone compatible. I could wonder what is wrong with me, why hasn't anyone come to fall madly in love with me yet. Basically, I could suffer what I do not have yet.
Or I could, and I do, believe that every relationship I have is valuable. Each man I have dated I have shared with and grown with and learned from. That the expanded relationship I seek with a partner will come to me. That everything in my life is in place to serve my highest good. That I am exactly as I should be and the people that appreciate who I am will come to my life.
Now, I am not saying that if you think negative thoughts what you desire will not come. I think there is more in play than that. But, I am saying, why suffer what you don't have needlessly? Why not enjoy all that you want before it comes to you. Why not keep high expectations that things will work out? You have the option.
I do believe that being open to, and having positive feelings about what you want makes it easier to come to you. When you have high expectations that things will work out for you, you leave space for them to come in. You look for opportunity. You radiate and attract what you desire. It greases the wheels and makes it all seem easier.
I know at times things can seem difficult but I just want you to remember, you always have a choice. It is in your power and available by your will.
I choose to be happy. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that and sometimes other people have to remind me too. But when I am not happy, I remember that I want to be. And I point myself in that direction.
So, I thank you, my friend, for listening to me. And I hope that you choose to be happy. I hope that you choose to have love and peace and joy and freedom in all of your experiences and manifestations.
I am grateful to be in service now and I look forward to sharing more with you.
Sending peace and love to you always, Kat.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happiness, a State of Being

Happiness is not an active pursuit, it is a state of being. You do not have to chase happiness, you just need to be happy. It is a choice. You always have the option of choosing your state of being. Your life may not reflect it at the moment but you can always know that something new and different is on its way to you. It is all your choice.
To be well, you do not have to pursue anything but have your own knowing that all is well. You can have this in any circumstance. You can be in a state that allows for your next highest good to unfold for you. Be open and receptive to the good.
If you have expectations that things will be bad, it is an invitation for that. If you feel badly about what is happening, it opens the door for more. Let your desire guide your way.
Welcome that which you want into your life by holding the state of being that is available for it.
You are the master of your life. Be intentional about what you want and your state of being in any moment. If your life is not how you want it to be, choose where you would like to be. Hold that state of being for yourself. And be open to receive.
You have all that you need to have the life that you want to live. You are given all that is needed to have all your desires fulfilled. Remember to point yourself in the direction you wish to go and feel good about it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Loving Life

There is an opportunity in each day for all of you. It is in each moment actually. You can choose to love your life. No matter what life has brought you in any moment, the choice is yours. Even if you are crying, in pain, in doubt or fear; you can still choose to love your life.
Yes, it seems strange to love what you do not want but understanding this can bring you in to a state of greater being. Just as you enjoy the steep drops on a roller coaster ride, the wave of emotions and experiences gives you context for your life. The contrast of where you do not want to be brings you to the choice of what you do want. In each experience there is an opportunity for you to have what you desire.
Allow the freedom of choice in each moment to guide you. Allow yourself to love your life regardless of your circumstance. It is only that which you desire that guides you. You need not fear any negativity, it is only presenting itself so you can recognize more of where you want to be. You can love each part of your life regardless of anything that is present in your life.
Choose to love your life, as it is, in this moment, regardless of where you are. Love the experiences coming to you and allow them to be the catalyst for all that you desire.
Choose what you want, allow it to flow in. And enjoy it all. Love your life and you will experience love in all of life.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Powerful Communication

You can demonstrate your power in many ways but the most powerful expression to the world is your communication. You choose all that you say. You choose how you present yourself to the world. You express yourself through your words. Noone chooses them for you nor does anyone else make you say that which you do not want to say.
Be powerful in your choice. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Have your words reflect your desires. Do not keep repeating all that has been. Everything that you say is an affirmation. When you say, "I am having a bad day." It affirms your bad day. You could say, "My day can only get better." instead. You have the choice.
To be powerful in your communications you must be in accordance with them. If you say you will do something and you do not, this creates conflict within you. It also creates distrust with those you communicate with. If you are not committed to your action then do not express it. Do not say, " I will do it right away." , if your intention is to do it next week. Say rather, "I will do it when I can." or " I will do it next week."
People would always rather hear the truth of who you are instead of a dishonest communication. You get to choose all. Be who you are and say what you mean. This strengthens you.
If you want the world to honor you for who you are, speak only your truth. If you want the world to be as you desire it to be speak of it in that manner. What you focus on expands and this includes all of your communications. Do you focus on the good in the world or the bad? Your world will give back to you in the form you choose to communicate.
You will find when you speak your truth a sense of ease, a sense of peace will come about. There is nothing to be concerned about for you will never be dishonored in this, you will only hold more power.
Powerful communication is powerful creation. As you speak you create your world. Allow for all you desire to come forth in your communication now.
Be at peace for all is well.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

You are Your Business

Yes, it is true. You are your business. People have a tendency to seperate their lives into sections. This is my work life, this is my home life, these are my personal relationships. When really, you are who you are, through your entire life. You segment your life as if it were a pie and act like one slice could be cherry pie while the rest of it is pecan pie. It is not that way.
All of your life is in all of your life. You bring you to all situations. This is why we say, you are your business.
Many cannot figure out why things are as they are in their work lives. You are your work life. If it is not going the way you wish it to be going, you have the power to choose.
It is funny to us that many who would never give themselves the choice of personal growth, will do it for the sake of expanding your business.
Expansion is expansion. If you extend yourself in any direction, it affects the rest of who you are.
Notice when you are feeling love, in love, your life goes well in every other area. Work is easier. Traffic is not bothersome. Life is good.
Let yourself know that you bring all of you to your whole life. This will help you in your business situations. You will begin to understand how knowing the whole of yourself can assist you. You will know that the aspects that allow you to thrive will bring joy to your entire life. Be who you are, always in all ways.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Intentional Creation

We say to you today, all is well. We say this everyday for every day is as it should be. Find peace in this.
You are having the experience that you have been guided to through your intention. You are as you say you are intentionally. Or perhaps some of you not so intentionally. Some of you say things that you do not wish to create in your experience. Like ‘ people are stupid’ or ‘I never get what I want’. These are statements people make and create in their lives. You don’t really think about it. But, in the statement you are causing this to be alive in your life. How about, ‘all the people I meet support me on my path’ or ‘only good things come to me’. This could work better in creating all that you desire.
You act like the things you desire are taken more seriously when it is actually the statements you repeat unconsciously that have a hold on you. Be conscious of what you are saying, what you are thinking, what you are allowing in to your world.
This is what is meant by conscious empowerment. You have the power to create what you want intentionally instead of unconsciously continuing to say the things you do not really want that don’t serve you.
Say what you want. Consciously create that which you desire. Pay attention to where you are in your creations. Do not let your observation of what is (usually negative observations) create your world. Create your world from where you want to be. Make statements from your desire not from your dislike. If you see something you do not like, make a statement of what you would rather have. Let the world be your inspiration for new desires.
This is how the world expands. This is how your world expands. Be at peace. All is well.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Your Life Is Now

The only life you will ever have is the one you have right now.
This is to say that now is the only moment that ever exists. You live your life in the sequence of now. Where your thought is, where your feeling is, where your experience is; is where you are always.
You can be in the remembrance of the past in this now moment. Or you could be in the exhilaration of a future that has not come to pass. Your experience of life is all that is present in each now moment.
So the question then becomes: where do you want to be in each now moment? You have the choice, as always.
Sometimes you fall into the forgetfulness and you think this is all happening to you, when clearly, you always have the choice of your state of being.
This is all you need to remember in these moments: how do I want it to be? How do I want to experience life? Then choose that. Allow it to be your state of being.
Point in the direction you wish to go and allow yourself to be there.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


You have come today wanting to know why? Why does not matter. Having the reasoning for ‘why’ things are the way they are does not serve you. You only need to know what is and where you would like to go.
Much of your time could be spent trying to figure it out. We say this is a waste of time. Just notice what is, then move forward. You have too many constructs around how and why things are the way they are. If it served you to know all of this in that kind of way you would find some satisfaction in the reasoning you come up with. Any reasoning you may come up with is just a construct. It is a belief that this is the way it is. And we tell you now, it can be any way you wish it to be.
Life is not happening to you. It happens in accordance with you. It shows up in ways that you will allow, in ways that you believe. So, as we have told you many times, look at what you are believing. Look at the confines that your life has to come in. When you believe that life can only happen a certain way, everything flows to match that belief. You do not have to have these constraints.
It is time for you to be free. To allow the free flowing of life. To have your desires flow in to you from any direction. Can you allow this? Will your logical mind step back long enough for you to receive what you desire in a way that is unknown to you? Are you willing to have what you want by allowing the universe to bring it in without attachments to how that will be?
Notice your response to this. Does the thought of having what you want without building all the steps to get it yourself confuse you? Do not set up the obstacle course for yourself. It does not have to be that difficult or confining.
Allow for what you want to flow to you now. Let go and allow the flow of all you desire in to you now. We shall leave you with this for today.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Know Your Power

It is time for you to know your power. You have created your world to be as it is. You have seen your choices manifest for you, for as you say it is, it is.
You have seen this when you meet someone and you decide who they are by your judgements. These people will continue to show up that way for you until you release your judgements of them. It is time to know that your judgements aren’t working for you.
Let your consciousness create for you. How do you wish others to be? Perhaps you could create the people in your life to be guides and assistants. You can have people show up for you to give you information that will move you forward. You can have people show up to move you in the direction you wish to go. Even those who show up in direct contrast of your point of view will help you by allowing you the true knowing of your beliefs.
This is what is causing your world; your beliefs. If you loosen up on your beliefs and allow for what is best for you, what you are wanting, more of this will show up for you.
Many think their beliefs are unchangeable. This is untrue and you can see it in your life. Your parents taught you many things that as you have grown through experience you have found they are not true for you. This can be true of anything you believe. You may have been told your desires are not worth while, they are not practical, they will not serve you in this world. But no one can tell you what will serve you. You have been given a unique set of desires. They are yours, noone else can decipher them for you. You must know what is your true desire and flow with it. If you have beliefs that get in the way, let them go.
Say you are an artist. You have been told by others it is not practical to be this, you will starve. You have to know that your heart, your desires are guiding you in the direction you are wishing to go. But if you believe that they are right, you will not thrive. You have overlaid your desire with another’s belief. You have adopted it and now you have two contrasting beliefs. One that you desire and one that holds you back from what you desire. It is time to reconcile your belief.
You must consciously choose that which you truly want. You cannot hold onto both and have your true desires thrive. It is like trying to drive a car going forward and put it in reverse. You will not get very far. Even if you vacillate from what you truly desire to others belief, it will still have you moving forward then backwards. You must choose and hold your truth. Many will tell you that you are doing the wrong thing if you allow it. Do not allow what other people say to influence your truth.
The time for blindly following what others say is gone. It is the time to be conscious and follow your own truth. Be aware, be awake in your own life. Notice what you allow in to your consciousness. Focus only on those things you desire and let go of all that does not support you. Follow your own path, your own knowing, your own conscious choices.
We say, you are powerful, a powerful creator. You can create from a place of misunderstanding or from a place of consciousness. You choose.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Be You

Yes, you wish to know how all of this works. Well, we tell you today that all that is needed is within you. You are the expression that needs to be made in this world. You have been told for a long time to conform to that which is acceptable. Acceptable behavior, acceptable looking, acceptable communications. And we tell you now that you, your true self, the best expression of yourself, is not only acceptable, it is exceptional.
If you were to allow yourself to be yourself; communicate from your truth, to express yourself as you truly are, not only would your world be different, the whole world would be different. Imagine a place where each individual was free to be who they truly are. Not corralled by expectations. Not dictated by others standards for existence. But you, being free, all the time. This is what we tell you is not only possible but is necessary.
Gone are the days of desiring to all be the same. We are not formed from cookie cutters. We are meant to be as individuals to play our part in the greater whole. The world is not complete without your unique expression of you.
Be yourself, all day long. Allow your true nature to be expressed. Speak your truth. And the great thing is; you are always the one who knows best for you. No one can tell you what you should be for they do not know. Only you know who you desire to be, what you desire to have or what experiences you will choose.
Today, choose to be who you desire yourself to be. Let your expression of you be your truth, be your unique contribution to the world. This is what you are meant to do, just be you.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You Are

You are. That is our complete statement to you this evening. ‘You are’ says it all. You are the creation of you. You are the inhabitant of you. You are the decision maker of you. You are the one that assesses and judges all in you life as good or bad, as acceptable or not.
This is what we have to tell you; you are, whole and complete. You are as you desire to be, as you say you are. This is what you must note. All of your life is your creation. Allow yourself to be more of what you are wanting to be. You want to be more prosperous; so allow yourself the feeling of abundance. This beckons the abundance to you. Be joyful in your creations.
All is well. There is no need to take back your desires. Nothing that you can dream of is too big for you to have. Allow yourself what you desire now. Let go of the logic that prevents the ‘miracles’ from coming forth. They are not really miracles, they are the responses you are desiring unfettered by your logical mind. All can be brought in to you with the greatest ease if you just allow what you want to come in from any direction.
Just remember what you want. Be clear. Be happy about it, excited even, then, just allow it to flow in to you. Is it that easy? Well, yes and no. Your creations are always this, but when you have ideas about how it should be, the obstacle course begins.
Allow for the easiest, most harmonious way for all your desires to come in to your life. This is easy, except for when you make it hard. There is no ‘you are doing it wrong’. You are just doing what you are doing. We have come only to give you guidance to have what you desire more easily.
We tell you now, this is easier: be happy, peaceful, desire what you want, allow, be happy, peaceful, desire.... You get the picture. The universe supports you in all your desires. Allow the assistance you desire. Allow for your fulfillment on all levels. Be at peace.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Yes, you have made it until today and we have much to say. It is time for you to fully be present to all that is available to you now. You have many options before you and we say that whatever you choose can work. You must know that you will be able to ‘make it’ no matter what.
You do have the strength and the ability that you need to have all that you desire. It is not a feeling of accomplishment but a feeling of right action we would have you search for now.
You create you own truth. Allow for what you desire for you. You desire much that will be good for the world. You have not allowed yourself fully to experience all that you have available because of fear and doubt.
Spread your wings. Say what you desire fully, allow it to manifest. For now you will manifest swiftly and we tell you to commit to that which you truly desire. It is time for you to have what you want. It is time for you to be who you are. You can do this here or any where you like but make sure it makes you happy.
You are able now to fully accept and fully know what you have to offer. It is much greater that you have acknowledged. But be clear that you must feel free in it. It is time to be at peace with who you are. No more struggling, no more hiding your light. You were meant to shine, it is what you do. It is time to start playing big. It is what you want. Allow for it now. You have many people around you willing to assist you now. Draw on them, be truthful with them about what you desire. Allow for it to occur. We tell you do not make a worse scenario option. Just do what feels good for you. Make your decisions according to what you desire now. Create what you want now. You can have it all. We are here for you. Be at peace and choose your life.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Moving Forward

We are here to tell you today that you are stronger than you think you are. Whenever you feel weakness overcome you, it is your opportunity for courage. You know who you are and you know where you want to go. Why are you so afraid to be who you are?
It is time for you to own your strength, to take your power. It is time for all that has come before to leave. This is a new day. One that brings in new opportunity. It is all coming in now. You will find as you go through your day that all will be shown to you. As you have desired, you will find what you are seeking. Sometimes you do not recognize that that which you do not want shows up for you so you can recognize that you do not want it. That way you choose something else. This gives you the opportunity to point yourself in the direction of what you do want.
We tell you though, do not try to move backward. You cannot try to force yourself into that which worked for you in the past. You have out grown much. Trying to go back is like wearing a suit that is too tight, it will be uncomfortable for you.
You must take your attention forward. Choose what you most desire and allow for that to unfold for you. Let go of the logical mind that wishes to know each step. Start feeling the directions that will work for you. You have all the guidance you need if you would pay attention to it. Be clear that all is well. There is nothing so tragic now that you cannot come through once you focus on where you would like to go. Think of the uncomfortable circumstance as those that inspire your movement.
You will find your way. Follow your knowing, follow your heart. Point yourself in the direction you wish to go. All is well. Remember this.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Go with the Flow

We have come today to help you decipher your path. You have wondered for so long as to how your life will unfold. You have been thinking how will this come about, what actions will occur for you to get all that you desire. And we tell you now that ‘how’ things will occur is none of your concern. Knowing that it will occur for you is the key.
You spend far too much time trying to make your big dream come to you in small bite size pieces. You have only to focus on what you desire and allow for it to occur in your life. The actions needed will be inspired and the flow of needed items will come in. When you have to have it come in for you in a specific way it slows the progress. For the quickest, easiest path may not be seen by you.
You are the dreamer, the wisher, the creator but you do not have to be the one who puts everything into its place. You only have to allow and receive. It is this that has many hung up on their manifestations. Be clear that you are on the journey of many creations and all is flowing to you now. It is constant and never ending. You shall receive and desire again. What you have wished for has come to you and now you want more. This is the way it is and how it shall be. Get in comfort about the continuous nature of life. It never stops.
Even when you dig your heels in and resist, the flow keeps moving around you. Only in resistance you feel the force of the flow trying to move you along. Go with the flow. We know you have heard this many times but it is true. The flow of your desires comes to you and through you. You are only to keep moving through your life and allow that which you desire to come in to you.
Many say this is too easy, it can not be. But it is. And if it is so easy, do it. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. Let go of the worry, the lack, the limitation that causes you to perceive the world in a way that it does not support you. Allow the flow to move you in the directions you are desiring to go. Without force and without effort you will find yourself in alignment with circumstances that fulfill your desires.
All is well and all is flowing to you now, if you just allow. We love you so. Be at peace. Adonai.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Native American Ten Commandments

Hi, Kat here, I found this on I thought I would share it.

The Earth is our Mother, care for Her
Honor all your Relations
Open your Heart and Soul to Great Spirit
All life is sacred; treat all beings with Respect
Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more
Do what needs to be done for the good of all
Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day
Speak the Truth; but only of the good in others
Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the Sun
Enjoy Life’s journey; but leave no tracks

May the warm winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder

Monday, April 21, 2008

Perfect You

We tell you now, today is like no other. A day to be cherished, for when it is gone there will be not another one like it. You shall have the opportunity today to tell those you love that you love them. You will have the opportunity to know that all is well.
You will have the opportunity to know that you are the perfect expression of you in the world. We hear you now, I am not perfect. We say, yes you are. You are the only you that exist and you do you perfectly. Might you do you differently tomorrow? Yes, probably. But that does not mean you aren’t the perfect expression of yourself today, right now.
Life only exist right now. You have the choice, the opportunity to be who you desire to be right now. Be the perfect you now. Whole and complete, beautiful and flawed, honored for your existence.
You are as you are and you can love yourself exactly as you are right now. And when tomorrow comes and you change you can still love yourself as you are for you are ever expanding, an ever lovable being. Love yourself. Then see if maybe you can love another for their perfect expression of who they are today and encourage them to be all that they desire.
This is what we wish to tell you today; all is in perfection, all is ever expanding to its most expansive expression. All is well. Adonai.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Allowing the World

Your ability to allow things to be as they are keeps you from upset. The world gives you many opportunities to see what you desire and what you do not desire. It is not that the world should only be as you like it, it should be that you notice only that which you like.
Be easy with yourself and stop saying how the world isn’t the way you wish it to be. Notice all of the wonderful, beautiful things that serve you. Leave the rest alone unless you are inspired to make a difference in that area. Focus on the difference you would like to make and not on the problem that you see. It is time for you to be able to create the world as you wish and this comes from being able to notice that which you enjoy. Focus on that which interests you and it shall expand. Focus on the problems and they will expand too. Allow space for what you desire. Allow the world to be what it is without you objecting to it. Focus on that which you want. What you focus on expands.
Kat- Just wanted to expand on this in my own words. I hear people complaining about things frequently. A complaint is the energy connection that keeps that situation alive in your life. The more you say how it is, the more it is that way for you. The energy ties you to it.
If you complain about the world not being a peaceful place, are you adding to the peace or to the disharmony? If you wish to impact peace in the world, be peaceful. When you notice things you do not like, notice then what you would prefer and do that. When you notice things to be "wrong" you keep seeing that thing. You keep proving to yourself how wrong it is. Stop keeping everything you deem to be wrong present in your life. Start focusing on that which is "right" in your world and that will expand.
And be easy with yourself. There is no wrong and right. It is only your preference and what works for you.
So, what do you prefer?
I was noticing the other day how much I love my life. I was saying in my head, " I love my life. I love my friends. I love my home. I love my community. I love my world." And I heard my guidance, very clearly say, "Then why would you choose it to be any other way."
I choose to love my life. How are you choosing your life to be?

Friday, April 11, 2008


You say you want to know about trust. On the path of your knowingness you will come upon trust. First there is trust, then faith, then knowing.
Trust is a funny thing for when you give it, you are giving your permission to that which you desire. When you do not trust you hold yourself apart from that which you desire. Mistrusting actually separates you from that which you desire even when you have it.
When you do not trust that you will have money continuing to flow, it disrupts the flow. When you do not trust in a relationship, it keeps you from knowing the full experience of love because you are holding back that part of yourself. You are almost waiting for things to go wrong when you do not trust.
Mistrust and worry have the same ability to separate you from that which you want. Worry, doubt and mistrust cast a shadow on all you desire. You will never fully have what you desire when these are present.
When you are able to trust, you are allowing yourself the full experience. Allow yourself to be present in each moment knowing that your life will unfold for you in a way that expands all your desires. This is what continues to allow flow.
Know that every aspect of your life is wanting to expand into the fullest expression of being. You are to have what you want. Can you trust that? Life is meant to be enjoyed. Allow yourself the fullest expression of that by trusting, having faith and knowing that all is well. Be at peace. Adonai.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You Have the Answer

You keep looking for the answers and we tell you now they are all inside. Noone can tell you what is right for you. There is only guidance from all around you. It is your response, your reaction that tells you how you feel about any situation.
If someone insults you, you recognize it as an insult or perhaps you identify it as true. When you are complimented, do you agree that you are wonderful or do you say no, not me. Notice your response to the outside world. Do you agree with what you are being shown or do you desire something else. This is how the world can give you guidance. Only by allowing you to notice what is really there for you. Allowing your knowing of what that is brings you to you ability to choose what is most appropriate for you. Noone can choose for you.
Be aware if you allow others to influence you. Are you rebelling against what another desires for you? Are you choosing something to avoid another’s choice? Are you making choices to please others? Make your decisions from a place of freedom. A place of your own choosing and desire without judgement or explanation. Choose that which will make you happy. And what makes you happy is your decision, your knowing, your desire.
All is of your own creation. Make it what you desire it to be now. You have all the answers.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

All is well

We say to you today,"All is well." All is well every day. Knowing this will change your life.
Many of you look for the things to be wrong in your life. You look for that which you don’t want. We say today, for a change, look for all that you do like. Notice the blue of the sky and how perfect it is. Notice the kindness of someone you don’t know. Notice how you had the right answer to a question someone asked. All is well.
There is no need to focus on anything that is not flowing in the direction you wish to go. You will find more ease, more peace, more freedom by finding those things you can delight in now. Retrain yourself to be present to all that you desire revealing itself to you. No longer notice that which does not please you. Focus on what you want and more will be revealed to you. As you have heard, what you focus on expands. It expands and flows in to you. Notice how what you focus on that delights you will show up again just so you may delight in it again.
Allow your life to be a succession of lovely experiences for this is what it is meant to be. We love you so. Be well.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Thanks, comments and questions

Hello to all, Kat here. I just wanted to thank all of my friends and clients that have given me such wonderful feedback recently. I so appreciate your support and the many clients you have sent to me. It is my intention to be a support for people to have great lives.
As you can see I have made some changes to my blog. I hope you like them. Along with color changes I would like to add to the content. I welcome any questions, comments or success stories. Please let me know if you have any specific questions or topics you would like to see written about. I am here for you.
Hope all is well in your world. Peace to you always.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Manifesting in the Physical

We tell you now all is well. You have asked to know more on manifesting in the physical. Yes, you call it cash. We say it is all the same. It is an energy that you either allow to flow or not. It is up to you. We already hear the grumbling of those who have not had abundance flow and it is for this very reason, you do not believe. If you believed you would have what you desire already.
Those who have it know that they are provided for and those who don’t, believe that they won’t have what they need. Now, the big question, how to shift from believing you will not have what you need to believing you will. That is a big one for many of you. You will be surprised at the ease of the answer: desire it. You say I do desire it. We say yes, but you desire it in a way that wreaks of lack. I want money because I don’t have it. That is speaking to your lack. If you say I want money because it is what I desire, you will have a different feeling about it. All will be provided for if you just allow.
The problem is that many of you can not stay in a state of allowing. You want to take it back as if you are more capable in your fear state of being able to force it to occur. The mere act of taking it back, not having the faith or knowing it will be handled, causes you to affirm your lack. It is difficult for you to stay in the knowing that you will be provided for because you do not have the patience to allow it to unfold for you. Our best advice is to allow for abundance to flow in to you while knowing you are provided for always. It shall be for you desire it. As long as you do not affirm that you do not have it or will not have it.
It is funny to us that you will allow another person to drive you around in a vehicle and never try to grab the wheel away from them but when you want to be financially provided for you want to take control as if you will not be safely provided for by the Universe. You are meant to thrive. You are meant to grow and have all you desire. It is up to you how you actually experience the world. You will have everything you allow yourself to have.
Listen to yourself. What are you saying about what you want? Are you saying, yes, of course I should have all that I desire. Or are you limiting it to what you think is ok for you to have? This is the question we ask for you now, are you allowing what you desire to occur in your world or not? Are you allowing your fear to manifest itself as lack? Do you have so much doubt that you are only able to bring in small amount of what you desire? We say let go of your perceived ‘control’. It is only an illusion for you can only create and have that which you believe and allow in your life.
We don’t know if we can make it much clearer than that. You must know that you will have what you desire, money or otherwise for it to manifest. Allow your knowing to create and do not take it back (keep your hands off the wheel). And you shall have what you desire. We know you feel like perhaps you will be perceived as delusional. You will only be perceived that way if you do not get the results you desire.
We tell you now as long as you know that you shall have what you want it will occur for you. This is how it works. Have faith in your knowing. Know that you are provided for on every level and you shall be. Let go of all belief you will not have enough. We say you will see the results you desire. That is enough on the subject for today. Be at peace knowing all is well.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Having It All

Another day and another opportunity to have what you desire. Each day flows forth for the opportunity to have abundance. It is the clearing for all your desires to occur, the void which allows for all creation.
This is not how most of you view your days. You may say, another day just like the rest, and so it shall be. When have you said, "Today, a day like no other. What shall my adventure bring me today?". Not how you normally start the day? Maybe it could be.
We start by telling you that all is possible in your world. That is, as much as you allow it to be possible. It is in your creation you allow your world to be. And how are you creating? By your thought, by your word, by your belief in all that is. This is how it happens: because you say so.
Many of you look out at others and do not understand how they seem to have what you want while you struggle in your life. Well, we tell you perception is everything. You may look at what others have longingly and say, " I am smarter than they are, why do I not have that?" We say, look to them and say, "You are an inspiration for me, you make it look so easy. I desire to understand how to make it so." This is an opening for what you want to occur. Jealousy and doubt only attract more things to be jealous of and more to compare and judge yourself. We say, let go of all of this now.
Focus on how each person that has what you desire is an inspiration for you. That surely if they were able to manifest that in the world that you also can do it. Have faith that once you have a perspective that allows you to have freedom to have all that you desire that it will come to you. That means not saying I can’t have that (or thinking it or feeling it) and not putting down others for having what you want for that is condemning the very thing you desire.
Be at ease about all of this. Just notice the things that you are thinking about. Notice your attitude and perspective on what you want and how you view others. You will learn much. You will notice which attitude allows your energy to flow and that which stops it. Choose all that you desire and allow it to flow into your life. This is the way to have it all.
Be at peace and peace will be with you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Choice: Choose & Create

We have great news for you today. The world is flexible and flowing. All that you desire yet do not have is available to you in your next moment. The world changes as long as you allow it to. You are the keeper of the gate of that which you have and that which you desire. Your command gives rise to that which is and that which you desire it to be.
We say this in this way so you can understand more deeply. When you acknowledge that which is and say that that is the way it is, you imply that that way is the way that it is forever. Thus keeping it alive and present in your life. Now, that which you desire can only be let in by allowing it to be. When you say that you will never have, or that it is not happening or that you never get what you want, you create that which you truly do not want. Which is not having the things you desire. We say all your desires can come to you if you allow. And not in ten minutes, for your impatience helps you to mis-create. When a thing does not show up for you in your allotted time frame you say, it is not happening and therefore kill your creation. But, if you say, what I desire is coming to me in the most appropriate way, in the most appropriate time, you allow for your creation to come most appropriately.
You are so focused on having the new stuff you want now that you do not even appreciate the stuff that you wanted yesterday and received already. Rather than enjoying that which has already come to you to please you, you wish to be disappointed because the new thing you want has not showed itself in existence yet. And then you say it is not happening and you start the whole process of mis-creation again.
We say recognize all that you have desired and be appreciative of your power of creation. Be patient with the desires you have now by allowing them to come in the way that will serve you best. Be allowing of the process for which it takes to manifest your desires. This is what gives you freedom in creation; your ability to know that what you desire is on its way to you and will come, eventually, unless you change (choose) something else before it gets here.
This is why we suggest that you focus on what you ultimately want without conditions of how. For if you choose the highest true desire then the processes of creation will have the easiest road to follow. Desire what you want and if you wish to change it, make it more of what you want instead of saying you do not desire it anymore. It is not a yes or no proposition. You can have any situation work out more to your liking. You do not have to kill your desire. A simplified example is; you desire ice cream, the ice cream you get is not to your liking, you say I do not want ice cream any more, it did not make me happy, bad ice cream. Well, you could have just asked for an ice cream that you do like. And not have to make the ice cream you didn’t like wrong and the powers that brought it to you wrong. Just choose again. It is that simple.
If you do not get what you desire, choose again. Do not fuss that what you got wasn’t exactly what you desired or how it came to being was wrong. That is all unnecessary. You only have to say what you would like and leave the upset alone.
You do create your world and you create how you feel about it. It is your choice. So what do you choose now? Are you willing to allow it to come in in the most appropriate way? Or must you have it now in a particular way? Which way do you think it works best?
These questions are only to pave a path to freedom for you. Be at peace and allow that which you desire to come to you. We love you so. Adonai.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Beauty Unfolding

We have come to you again today know that you are all ready to have your lives be a delightful adventure. And you are wondering why it is that it has not occurred as you would have expected. We tell you now that it is occurring. It is wonderful unfolding that is happening. This is unfolding in a way that makes each aspect build a greater appreciation for the next. You are the continuous unfolding of your divinity. You are constantly becoming more and more of who you truly are. It gets redefined every day in every way.
The circumstance is trivial compared to your ability to have the experience of all. This is to say it is only the perspective you have on any situation you may encounter. You may have a situation when you are waiting in line at the grocery store. You may be impatient wishing the people in front of you were moving faster and they should really have more cashiers to handle this many people, etc. Or, we suggest, look around, breath in and out, take it in. Be present to the moment that could have been spent wishing you were somewhere else. Delight in the screaming child yearning to be expressed in the world.
Be amazed at the beauty that exists in every environment. Know that anywhere can be a place of peace and joy for you if you choose. You are the creator of your world. You could do the same things you did yesterday and have an entirely different experience just by changing who you are in the situation.
Each person you meet, whether you know them or not, can be new and fresh. The excitement of seeing everything for its delight, its sense of being, brings forth all that is beautiful in you. You are the reflection of all that you see. And it is a reflection of you.
Your enhanced thinking will not only change your experience of any circumstance but it will draw to you more circumstances that will bring you joy. For the more that you desire you world to be joyful and peaceful, the more it shall come to you. You have disbelieved for long enough. You are amazing. You deserve joy. It is yours as the air is available to you. Breath it in and allow yourself to be there. Now, when you have it, there is nothing left to do but share. We love you so. Peace to you in all your adventures. Adonai.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Will be back soon....

Hello to all, it’s Kat. I am sorry it has been so long since I have written. I have been moving to my new home. It has been very exciting but taking up quite a bit of my time and energy. I will be back to regular submissions soon. Thanks for being patient with me. Great things are on there way. I look forward to sharing them with you. Peace to you always.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Self Love

We are here on this day of love to share our love with you. You as beings on this planet do not fully understand that abundant love is here for you always. You experience much of the love you have in the context of a relationship with a partner. This is just one demonstration of love.
There is much much more. Of course there is self love. This is the one that is the most pertinent in our conversation today. For no other love can exist without this. You must know of the feeling of love for yourself to share it or to extend it to another. Your self love seems to be a problem these days for you are not always certain that you deserve it. We say yes, you not only deserve but this is the only way to allow yourself to thrive. The love that you have for you is the extent which you can experience it in the world. You will never find anything in the world that deserves your love more than you.
When you have the love for yourself that we speak of it is an expanding love. It encompasses all that you do in every day. It is the thing that gets expressed as love to others. You simply expand it out and share it every where you go. The love that you find in the relationship with yourself is the same that you have in any relationship. It is not a separate love. It is just how you choose to express it in the world.
You have had relationships where it has been perhaps not as kind and we tell you this is not love. Love is the purest expression of your kindness. If it is unkind, it is something else being expressed. To have the love that you desire in the world, there needs to be love in your world, your inner world. The outer world takes care of itself because others will always seek out love and if you are an expression of it, there will be many who will share it with you.
You have asked to have love in your life. This is why we tell you here. The love starts with you. You are the impetus for all the love you experience in the world. Any and all love that you hope to find out there first needs to be generated in you. You may feel like you have been searching out there for a long time, being disappointed that no one has brought you love.
Know now that all that is needed is your expression of love, first for yourself, then for the world. You can have all that you desire once you have it for yourself for all will expand outward. It is like living in a love bubble. You are the one that generates it. Anyone can come into your sphere and experience it.
Now, you may say it is not safe, many do not wish me well and could hurt me if I love like that. We say yes, you are right. Any time you feel as though someone can do you harm, you pull back. Your love pulls inward not to be shared. This causes relationships that are not loving. You are used to this. You have no expectation that others will love you and for the most part this is how you experience life. You say you can’t just share your love, you would become too vulnerable. You are already vulnerable. When you pull your love away, in fear you will get hurt, it hurts you. There becomes no opportunity to share love.
When you love yourself and extend it to others there is no vulnerability. You are safely protected in loves arms. There is no retreat. Others will feel it too and become excited, invigorated with the love and will rise to meet it with their own.
Ok, so you say, how do I love myself so much? I can barely look at myself some days? We know you have an issue with this. Love is not having everything exactly as you desire it, love is sharing with yourself the energy that allows for everything you desire. The vibration of love is fertile ground for all desires. When you love you, anything you choose to create can thrive. And still you say how? Allow it. Allow yourself to love and honor yourself. Stop telling yourself the things that you are not and start allowing yourself the knowing that you are a divine being, perfect in this creation, poised to the life that you desire. There is nothing wrong and there never has been.
It is a journey where you can choose to love, or not. We say choose love. It is way better. The experiences available with love surpass any dramatic adventures given by your separation from it. Again you say, I have tried to love and I have been rejected. You have rejected yourself. Choose to love yourself instead. Yes, it is that easy. Choose to love yourself and when you notice that you are not loving yourself, choose it again. Do not think this is selfish for water cannot be given from an empty well. And love cannot be generated where it does not exist. Love yourself first, then love the world. We will leave you with this now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Two Wolves

Hi, it’s Kat. I have been on vacation in Florida with my mother and her husband this past week. I thought I would have time to write but I didn’t. I did want to share something, a teaching from the Cherokee. It came up while I was with my mother (she is Native American) and she kept making me retell it to her.

Two Wolves: A Cherokee Teaching

An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life...
He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One wolf is evil -- he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.
The other is good---he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one you feed".

I must have told it to her 4 or 5 times. She finally got it and throughout our trip she kept asking, "Which wolf are you feeding?" It kept us all present and aware of how we were being. It was really great to be present to consciousness. Where you think is where you live. Where do you live? Which wolf are you feeding?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Perspective Changes the World

We have more to share with you today. It will be very interesting for us to see how you react to our interaction. We hope to have you see that you have all you need to move forward into a joyous loving life. It is a bold statement we know but it will be that if you choose it. We hope that you can see how you are the creator of your world. For even those of you who think that the world is a preset condition that you must live into are choosing this as your reality. You have given your power to that that already exists and sometimes this works wonderfully and sometimes it doesn't.

Start to notice those things that you just accept. It is only a truth that has been in existence, it does not have to be your truth. There are many things to focus on in this world. Your news tells you much about the tragedies of the planet but it by no means covers all of them. And who tells you about all the wonderful things here? Who tells you about people sharing love, fulfilling their dreams? You have very little demonstration of this unless you look for it. Decide that you wish to see the beauty in life instead of the misery. You will start to notice the things that always existed around you. You will notice the smile on a strangers face, an act of kindness done randomly, a miracle that could only be noticed by you. Focusing past that which you are fed by the preconditioned structured world allows you the freedom to have the experience you choose. It is time for you to define your life for yourself. This is what we wish to share with you. A complete look at your world and how you have created it.

Pretend your life is a movie. Would it be a tragedy, an adventure, a romance? How can you look at it to make yourself the hero, the victor. You have not finished the movie. There is more to come. How do you wish it to be? Where do you wish your story to go? Is there something unexpected or miraculous in the works? Will you overcome all adversity? You can change the perceptions you have on anything that has happened in your life. You can recreate your enemies and those that have done you wrong into teachers and motivators sent to you to help you redefine who you are, to help motivate you to achieve that which you want. Frequently those you see as working against you help you because they make you think of ways to overcome obstacle or make your resolve more solid. Notice how those you resist show you who you are.

This is a wonderful world you live in filled with options and possibilities at every turn. You can perceive your life in any way you like. We suggest you see it as perfect, ever evolving and fun. How would you like to see it? Keep questioning yourself until you come up with an answer you like. Follow your dreams. Enjoy the aspects of creation. Watch the world around you shift into a brand new place.

We have said enough for today. Be at peace. Light and love to all of you.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Looking Inward

Well, here we are. We are very excited to share with you today. It is time for you to start thinking about how you are living your life. It is ok when you are younger to go out and experience the world in whatever way. Allowing the world to wash over you, to experience the array of options available. When you come to a place where you are tired of strictly looking outside yourself for inspiration, it is time to look inward. It is time to look at how you are choosing to live your life.
There are theories out there that say you are not conscious or powerful until you know you always have the freedom to choose in every situation. We say this is correct except for the fact that you always have the ability to choose whether conscious of it or not. And you are always powerful.
As you learn about the world you start to define what you think you can do according to what others say. This keeps you limited and unable to break free of the confines of the structures given to you by others. You always have the ability to freely choose. You have just been choosing to adhere to your societal or familial rules.
Now is the time for you to be free. To be empowered by what you have learned about yourself and how you would like to experience the world. There are always options for you. But to have the options, the possibilities, you must know that they are there.
Many people experience an inability to choose what they want for they fear it does not exist. They think, I can't choose that, it's not practical. Well, we say to you now that some of the best things to have are not practical. Love is not always practical. When you keep it small and try to divvy it out with discretion it can feel frightening. Love only feels really great when you do it unabashedly.
You are coming into the time when this will make sense to you. It is time to be free, to have love, to experience all you desire. Are you ready? We are opening up to you now so you can start to see what you have not allowed yourself to see.
You are love, you are peace, you are freedom and you are joy. Whether you choose to experience yourself this way is up to you. What you have in your life is given entirely by what you choose and by what you allow.
We will give you examples now on how this can be. Many are experiencing fear. Fear is like a brick wall that comes between you and your joy. It blocks you from having what you want and it blocks you from even trying to know what you want. It is time for you to know that these walls can tumble and they will if you desire. You also seem to block yourself in thinking that somehow you are not good enough to have all you desire. This is such a strange concept to us. That you would come to a planet of abundance and limit what you will allow yourself to experience. You can have whatever you say you can have but you must also believe it.
Notice where you stop yourself. "Eww, I'd love that!" you say but immediately after you say the ten reasons you can't have it. Really? Is this how you want it to be. We would rather have you fantasize about things that seem unrealistic than have you be practical about how things need to come about. At least with a fantasy you are free.

Feel the energy of thinking about what you want. Now think about why you can't have it. The energy comes down, closes you off. It just makes you feel bad. You say , "Well, I have to be practical about things, I don't want to be disappointed." When you have the thought you don't want to be disappointed, you already are. You are holding yourself apart from what you want and somehow you are ok with that. You save yourself a big disappointment by just maintaining a low level disappointment. Let it go. This self protection, holding yourself against what you don't want, only keeps those qualities present in your life. Let go, be free.
Does this leave you open for disappointment? That is always a possibility if you look at it that way. Or you could look at it like all is an adventure. And if you get caught in a place where you do not want to be, you discover where you would rather be and start focusing on that. You are free. Do you know that? You can choose in every situation how you want it to be. You can experience life with excited anticipation or you can dread ever day hoping one day your life will turn out.
We say now, take your power. Know that you can choose your life. Start looking at what works for you. What would you like more of? What would make your heart sing? Then, focus your attention on those things. It is an amazing process. For as you look at what you want, all that you don't want falls away. It leaves your consciousness.
So we say, look at your life. See what it is that you truly desire and just start thinking about it. Get yourself comfortable with the idea of having it. This will expand and more and more you will have what you desire coming into you life.
We say this is enough for one day. There will be more to come. We are excited to be with you. Love and light to you all.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Let me introduce myself...

Hello again, my name is Kat. I just wanted to give a bit about my background because most of my clients ask me how I've gotten to do the conscious channeling and energy work that I do.
I believe, now looking back on it, that developing this ability came out of my intense desire to help people experience their beauty, their light. I actually came from the "beauty" field. I owned a salon and worked throughout the industry for most of my life. I rationalized for myself that if people could "see" their beauty that it could open the door for them to believing it. Now, I help people "experience" their beauty, their light in a more effective, long lasting way.
I will also explain how all of this came about. I was not one of those people who always had ability in the psychic or spiritual realm.
Although I believe we are all born with the ability to access all of this for ourselves. It wasn't until my late 20's that I even opened up to all of this.
As a young adult I focused most of my attention on being free, having fun and experiencing the world. It sounds good now that I look back at it. But I realized I wanted more.
I had a car crash. I didn't know it was significant at the time, but directly after it, I talked to a woman who comforted me and encouraged me to see a psychic who was a friend of hers. Not only had I never seen a psychic, I didn't really believe in it. I went questioning everything about it. Yet I was curiously drawn to know more. Of course I didn't believe anything she said. That is until it started coming true. That got my attention.
I started being open to experiencing more. When I opened my salon, I realized how much my beliefs and faith came into play. I call it spirituality through business. For someone like me who had such an analytical mind, the faith that had to be present for me to create my business, changed my world.
I began expanding this in all directions. All the while dabbling in different realms of the metaphysical and varying forms of personal expansion, trying to stay open to what the world and the higher realms had to offer. I started what is termed 'automatic writing'. I would write until my head was clear and then a voice beyond my own would come in. Early on they mostly said, "All is well." in varying ways. Oddly enough, that is still the most consistent message I get.
While doing this I started getting guidance for others too. I would share a bit but I was frequently too afraid to share. I was very aware of how all of this could be interpreted as weird.
My life changed again with yet another car accident. I had a day off, I was doing my regular automatic writing and they said, " no matter what happens today, know that it is for your highest good." Ok, being that I had planned to run errands and go shopping at Target, I couldn't imagine what that could mean. But, while walking my dog, I noticed a screw puncturing my tire and the tire wasn't flat. I had just bought new tires, so I called my mechanic who told me to come in right away. I made it to him without issue. He put my doughnut on and noticed that another one of my new tires had started to bulge on the outside. He told me to give him an hour to see if he could get at least the bulging tire replaced for free.
That was fine. A friend of mine had asked me out for lunch earlier in the day but I had said no because I was going to stay on the other side of town. Now that I was very close, at the mechanics, it seemed to work out.
Now, the friend that I was having lunch with, a really lovely guy, was not particularly open to the messages I had been getting for him. Nor was he very present with me most of the time. He is one of those guys that is texting, and getting telephone calls and planning his next business venture while having a conversation with you over lunch.
I picked him up at his business and within two blocks a car turned in front of us and we t-boned it with great force. Immediately after hitting the other vehicle I said to him, "Do I have your attention now?" Even in that moment I did not know what was about to happen. After the police took all the needed information I couldn't drive my car because the windows had fogged up and the blower had been damaged. So we sat there and waited for it to clear.
While waiting, they came through for the first time. I started speaking information I did not know about to him. I recognized some of it as messages that I had gotten for him but it was clearly not ideas that I had originated. After about a half hour, I broke through and said, "That was not me. I hope you understood all of that." He said yes but I know he was more bewildered about the experience than I was.
This is the day that changed my life. From that point on, during many conversations with friends and strangers, the wisdom of my guidance has been coming through.
Now, you'd think that might have been it, but it wasn't. I was very uneasy with the idea of what I was actually doing. I was afraid of what others might think. I was afraid that I might be losing my mind. But the messages I received were so loving and wise that I knew there was more to it than that. Of course I have since researched this and know that many people do this.
This led to my last car accident. The one that made me decide it was time to do this work. I was on my way to a gig (I was working as a freelance make-up artist) on the expressway. I was going about 75 miles an hour, only slightly over the posted speed, and I had a blowout. My back tire was thudding and my car started to fishtail. I recognized I was clearly not in control any more. My car smashed directly into the six foot cement divider wall. The initial impact was on the front drivers side. After I hit the airbag , everything went in slow motion. I knew that I had hit the wall, but I noticed I was still moving. My head was thrust back on the headrest and I was spinning. It was then I thought, I could die now. Immediately I heard, "No, you're ok." As I heard this, I saw the wall approaching me again or I guess, I was approaching it again. It felt like it was coming at me from the passenger side. Then the final impact. I was facing oncoming traffic and cars were stopping all around me. Someone pulled me out.
I could go on and on about the dramatic events of the car crash but the truth is, I was ok. The ambulance came, they checked me out. I was wearing my seat belt, low on my hips as always, and aside from a belt burn on my chest and some bruises I was fine.
I didn't make it to my job that day. My car was totaled. The police told me that if I had been driving a different car I would have been toast. And I got that car because I had totaled my previous car in the last accident.
But three days later, after seeing a M.D. and my chiropractor, I was ok'd to fly to New York to work on a tv pilot for 2 weeks.
I was sore but not in very much pain. This was as close as I want to get to a near death experience. It shifted my life entirely. I knew it was time to make this work my life.
I now have clients that I give what I call "Real Life Support". We have a conversation. The guidance comes through. I also do energy work with each session. They have explained it to me like this: We are all like lamps. We connect ourselves to a power source which allows us the energy for us to illuminate and shine. We all do and we all can. The only difference is that lamps don't unplug themselves and you don't have to convince them they can shine. Yes, they do have a sense of humor.
So, here I am. Ready to share my experiences and the wisdom that is given to me by "my people". They are not really people, I consider them nonphysical guides. I hear one voice, a mouth piece or point person, so to speak, that speaks for a group.
My intention is to have them write through me to you, knowing their wisdom and love can assist and support others on their journey to conscious empowerment.
I look forward to the adventures to come. Peace to you always.