Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Be You

Yes, you wish to know how all of this works. Well, we tell you today that all that is needed is within you. You are the expression that needs to be made in this world. You have been told for a long time to conform to that which is acceptable. Acceptable behavior, acceptable looking, acceptable communications. And we tell you now that you, your true self, the best expression of yourself, is not only acceptable, it is exceptional.
If you were to allow yourself to be yourself; communicate from your truth, to express yourself as you truly are, not only would your world be different, the whole world would be different. Imagine a place where each individual was free to be who they truly are. Not corralled by expectations. Not dictated by others standards for existence. But you, being free, all the time. This is what we tell you is not only possible but is necessary.
Gone are the days of desiring to all be the same. We are not formed from cookie cutters. We are meant to be as individuals to play our part in the greater whole. The world is not complete without your unique expression of you.
Be yourself, all day long. Allow your true nature to be expressed. Speak your truth. And the great thing is; you are always the one who knows best for you. No one can tell you what you should be for they do not know. Only you know who you desire to be, what you desire to have or what experiences you will choose.
Today, choose to be who you desire yourself to be. Let your expression of you be your truth, be your unique contribution to the world. This is what you are meant to do, just be you.