Friday, December 10, 2010

Next Energy Shift

Hello, it's Kat.  For those of you (and I expect that it is all of you reading this post) on the path of moving forward or onward and upward, there has been much energy shifting.  If you are like me, every bit of your "junk" has been coming up to reveal itself in a very profound way.  The good news is that this is meant to be.  We are facing all the old energy, all the old ways of being that are for us to clear now. 
It can feel very overwhelming because we have come so far and felt the relief of an elevated state of being for brief moments and now it feels like we are stuck back in our old crap.  Well, we kind of are, except now it is releasing.  We are just experiencing it as it is ready to go.  Allow for the release now.  It will only be upsetting for the amount of time that you hold on to it.  Let go of all that is no longer serving you.
Now, for the good news.  There will be a large energy shift on 12/12.  This will assist in clearing out any residual lower energies that are no longer needed and raise our vibration to a higher level.  Although it may take a bit of time to process, we shall be able to see from a higher vantage point once it settles. 
We are meant to feel free and clear.  This energy will allow us what we have not had for quite some time; clarity.  The energy of confusion and uncertainty is clearing.  You will have great understanding of where you are and where you are going very soon.
Allow for this place of transition to be now.  Let the time between now and then be as easy as you can allow.  There is much shifting and you may want stability where there is none.  Try to hold on to the idea that you are moving into a place of clarity soon; that all will be revealed.  It will not help to be in fear or try to back away from this now.  It has already begun and it is for the highest good of all.  Allow yourself to be at peace.  Understanding will come soon. 
Peace to you,

Getting Out of the Way

Ok.  A new month, the last month.  Tell me what to do.  If that is your request we will comply.  You must let go.  Let go of all that you have known for now all is shifting, changing.  You will be presented with options that will alter your life in every way.  It is up to you to move forward even if you are uncertain about what is happening.  We are guiding you forward and we have no time for resistance or to entertain your brain to understand each bit before you move forward.  This is the faith/trust portion of the program.  Ok.  I can do that.  Can you?  You have been kicking and screaming (energetically) this whole time.  When are you going to let go?  I think I don’t understand.  This is our point now, “you think and don’t understand”.  We don’t have time for this.  You will have to trust that we are assisting you in the direction you want to go.  You must let go of your intellectual mind now.  There is nothing that will occur that you will not understand as it is happening but you trying to understand before you allow for movement is not working.  It will continue to hinder your progress.  But how do I let go without getting caught up in my mind?  You must allow yourself to move forward without knowing.  Allow what is happening to happen.  It is not that complicated.  Pick you heels up, get them out of the dirt, stop resisting.  Change your way of being by trusting that all that is occurring is the most appropriate thing.  Quit trying to decide what every action or thought will bring you.  You do not know that quickest way to bring you to your highest good, we do.  Your guidance is here to do just that, guide you.  Let us do that without you putting your intellectual energy into trying to figure it out.  It is the easiest thing for you to do if you will just allow your higher knowing (and us) to create your flow.  You are making things far too difficult.  It is not meant to be that. All you need to do is just flow through your life.  Do what you do.  Let your mind be free, let your life be a meditation.  We will guide your action.  You will know what and where to move when you need to.  You worry too much about everything.  All will be ok. In fact, all is well now and always.  Allow this.  Allow for your happiness.  That is really the most important aspect but you are not even allowing yourself this.  You want to depend on yourself, but yourself is not bringing you joy in abundance, is it?  Ok then, allow for something else to occur.  Allow your happiness.  You will not be oblivious to what is happening, you will be allowing what is happening.  We are trying to get you where you need to go in the quickest and easiest way.  Can you trust that?  Can you know we are looking out for your highest good always, all ways?  Be at peace.  This is what is requested.  Allow for the highest good to flow.  You will understand but you cannot understand what is to come from where you are now.  Be at peace.  Let yourself be happy.  All is well and all will come into the light to be seen.  Let go, now.  Adonai.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wake Up

Hello, it's Kat. 
Just wanted to share with all of you who are on your adventure of expansion about a great documentary film called "Wake Up".  You can watch the trailer and film or find out more information at: . 
If you are in the Atlanta area, check out a special screening of WAKE UP Dec 18, followed by Q&A with WAKE UP's director and main subject, Jonas Elrod at the Plaza Theater.  See the above website for more details.
Peace to you always,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Greasing the Wheels

We hope you are now creating the world that you desire.  Your world is reflective of what you want and also reflecting the negative energies you hold.  We ask that you let go of all the you do not want reflected in your world.  Are you willing to let go of all that is in you that matches all you do not desire in the world?  This is very important for you are becoming powerful, so powerful that we do not what you mis-creating because you are unaware of the power your negative energies can bring. 
We ask that you become in alignment both consciously with thought and energetically with emotion to that which you desire.  This is the greasing of the wheels.  You will feel good when you are in alignment with what you desire. This is an easy way for you to check where you are in creation.  You will feel bad (or some variation) when you are creating from a negative energy. 
We tell you this because it is of utmost importance now for you to get a hold of your feelings.  Your ego and emotional immaturity is not going to bring you to your highest good.  You will have to become in alignment with your highest self and act accordingly.  There is no room to pout because what you want has not come yet.  There is no room for upsets because others have not given you what you want.  Let go of all that causes you upset and allow for what you desire to light you up now. 
Embrace that all you desire is true and inevitable.  This will cause the flow of your desires to come forth.  Honor yourself as who you are meant to be.  You are meant to have your desires fulfilled but if you keep getting in the way by having doubt and fear and anger and upset and sorrow and disappointment, what you want cannot match that. 
Your negativity resonates out and brings like back to you.  You will notice acutely that which matches your fears and doubts.  But if you allow yourself to become in alignment with your desires, in faith and trust that they will occur, you will pave the road for your desires instead of creating road blocks. 
You higher selves and your guides are all trying to support you in having what you want.  Let go and allow for the assistance by creating positive expectation in all that you desire.  Let go of all negativity that blocks the flow of what you desire. 
The time has come for you to be empowered to the highest level but you must make sure that you are creating from your highest good and not your greatest fear.  You are the master of your life and you must say how it will be.  If you are not willing to consciously create what you want, your life will be a reflection of the negativity you have allowed to run rampant in your life.   Let go now of all that is not serving you.  Allow, have faith and trust that what you desire can and will come to you.  Know this and be at peace for all is well.  We leave you with this for now.  Adonai.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Nature of Evolving

We are glad you are opening to understanding and understanding there is so much more.  But when you get through this bit and gain power for yourself it will be easier.  Many do not understand the major transformation you are going through.  And it is less of a transformation than it is a returning to who you really are.  This is who you have always been.
You have just been living under the shell of misunderstanding; the illusion of life.  This is by design for you need the contrast to show you who you are, to understand what you want and don’t want.  In this way you could feel like you are in conflict all the time but it is not meant to be that.  It is meant to be a choosing, a decision to be or not to be any specific thing.  For you have the power to choose.  It only seems difficult when you feel like your decision will not be well received by others.  And we tell you now, you are evolving, you are showing the way to others.  They will not always match you.  It is ok for this is the plan.
Those who understand start to live from there, others see this and follow.  It is not that simple of course because we have to sometimes work through the conflict of what we have always known versus the new way of being.  This is the way of evolving.  Your growth will never match what you have lived before.  You are evolving to another space and place in life.  This is that nature of it.  It will not be the same as the world has shown you.  But it will in every way match who you are.
The new ideas will resonate to and through you.  This is how you recognize what is right for you.  We all have choices and we all can create our worlds.  In fact that is what we do.  The gift now is that we can be conscious to that.  We can create the lives we truly want if we allow ourselves to be who we are. We leave you with this for now.  We love you.  Adonai

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello from Kat

Hi.  So glad to finally have the courage now to show my face.  Well, a cartoon version anyway.  But it is me.  I am trying to follow my guidance and come out of hiding.  It hardly seems fair that I ask my clients to be who they truly are in the world while I am still hiding out.  I have been working to overcome my fear of being who I am out in the world and part of that is going to be sharing more about myself here on my blog.  I have mostly shared channeled writings here but I will now be mixing it up a bit with posts from me. 
I want to thank Sheryl Pederson for our recent session.  She also channels and I have found great comfort in knowing her.  She also has a great blog and website:  .   She is, for a limited time, offering free mini channeled messages when you sign up for her free news letter.  I highly recommend her for sessions and information. 
With the latest rounds of big energy shifts we are all being called to clear our fears and become who we are meant to be.  I am so grateful for being able to do the work I do.  My abilities have grown clearer and stronger as I am able to hold more clear energy.  I am so grateful to all who have allowed me to assist them on their journey and I look forward to the adventure ahead.
In alignment with my new 'not hiding anymore' status, I would like to ask for any comments, questions or subject matter you would like to see addressed here from either from myself or channeled guidance.  Please email: or comment here. 
I look forward to my new world expanding and hope that you will join me. 
Peace to you,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Albert Einstein Quote

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Allowing Happy

Why am I not happy?
You are not allowing yourself to be. You are waiting for the thing to happen that will put you at ease and the thing that needs to happen is you being at ease. You need to do it. Let go. There is nothing wrong. We tell you this now and always. There is nothing wrong. You can be happy now.
So why am I not happy?
You are not allowing it. It is here for you to have but you are in fear. You are holding your breathe waiting to be safe. There is no safe, you are safe. It is what is. You do not need to fear anything.
And yet I do. What’s up with that?
Well, you are as many, living in the fear of all the terrible things that could happen instead of the delight of all the good things that could happen.
I want to be in delight of all. What do I need to do?
Let go. Let go of your fear. Embrace that all is well and all will be well and you will experience greater amounts of joy and love.
Ok, that all sounds great but I clearly am having trouble even though I know what to do intellectually. How do I do this in the real?
You can use many techniques but it is most important to move the ideas that you like in your head and move them into your heart. It is up to you to have the intellectual ideas move firmly into your heart space.
It sounds like moving furniture.
Well, it is in the sense that you will be living from a new place. You must understand there is an opening for you now to do this. This is what is called for. Take all the padlocks off, the duck-tape, the reinforced surgical wire and the scar tissue away and allow your heart to rule.
You want to be happy. You know it will be best for you and you know that this will make everything flow more smoothly in your life. But now, instead, you are tortured and stagnant and weary. We ask that you allow the movement of all to be in your heart.
I allow this now. Please help me.
You must let go of all of the past. Forgive it, release it, understand it, transmute it or throw it out. It is up to you how, but just get rid of it. We can assist you in many things but you must choose to live in your heart and you must choose to stay there. It is up to you to leave fear behind you and not bring it back into you life. You need to consciously now recognize what you want and what you don’t want and be aware of which is running your life at any one time. This is conscious awareness. This is your true power. This is where you are meant to be. Allow for that which you do not want to leave, disappear, evaporate, die and you shall have the space for what you do want.
Invite the peace that you desire in. Invite the love that you desire in. Allow your heart to be open and full of peace and love. Your intellectual mind can be empty. You do not need that for what you are seeking now.
Let go. Let go of everything that is not serving your peace. We say we know you can do it and if you allow it now all will flow more easily for you now. Be at peace. We will show you the way.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yes to Having It All

Do you know what you want? Yes. Ok then. Here it is. All that you desire is here now. Just accept and allow it to flow in.
Be at ease. Let go. Be at peace. We do not know how to tell you this in any other way and we can not do it for you. You must trust. You must have faith. You must have the confidence that all is well no matter what. It is your time to shine; if you allow it.
You have set up so much resistance in your life. Your fear blocks you from having what you desire. It is keeping all the good stuff from being truly experienced.
Let go now. All IS well. It shall be all that you desire and more. We say ponder this; you can have all that you want, it is waiting for you to experience it, why can you not trust and allow? The fear, we know. It is a vicious cycle and one that you do not need to partake in now. You can break free of the orbit of the same and set yourself on the path of a true adventure. We are assisting you now in the great “let go”. Cut every tie, bond, chord that keeps you held to the pervasive ‘what is’ so you can be free to have all that you desire now. It is for you to have if only you will allow it.
Now, do you know what you want? Yes. Are you willing to have it? Yes. Are you willing to let go of all your fear, doubt, lack and ideas about limitation to have it? Yes. Well then, all that needs to occur now is your allowing. Can you do that? Yes. We say good.
All is well. We have shared with you now the wisdom of having it all. Be at peace now and allow for all to come graciously into your life. We love you. Adonai.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Enjoy all of your life. This is part of the adventure. There is nothing wrong.
If you can not enjoy the experience of now, enjoy the thought of what is to come. Allow yourself to feel good at any point, even if you do not have what you want. This is part of getting there.
Let now be the opportunity for you to enjoy all. Now is all there is.
People do not climb Mount Everest to get to the top, they climb it to experience the journey and then get to the top. The journey makes the achievement meaningful.
Allow for all to be well. Allow for your peace at all times.
You are meant to enjoy your life. We love you. Adonai.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Be Free

We are telling you now, we know you want to be free. It is in all of you to want to have access to all and you have it. You are as free as you allow yourself to be. You compromise your freedom by thinking you are bound in some kind of way. You are not. You are free.
How you have chosen to restrict yourself is your own doing. This is the bad news. The good news is that you have the complete and total ability right now to choose to be totally free. You can make the choice to be free and then you can make any choice you want from freedom. That is you can make any decision to your highest good now without consideration to what anyone but you thinks. No influence of friends or family or society.
Who would you be if you were unrestrained? What would your life look like if you were truly free? We suggest that you look at every area of your life and see if the decision is one you made in freedom. We say, be who you are and choose what will make you happy. Now. Adhere to the alignments and love yourself in everything you choose. Now.
Forgive anything from your past as learning process to having what you desire. You are able now to have the focus of that which you desire and allow it to come to you. This is possible now.
Be free. Be in peace and joy that your life is unfolding for you perfectly. We love you so. We are always here for you. Adonai.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Peacefully Powerfully You

We have spoken previously about being who you are powerfully. Many do not understand why being who you are is your only access to power. You have no foothold on anything if you are acting from any place except your true self.
If you are trying to act or be something you are not it will be based on a lie, it will be inauthentic. There is no connection to the truth nor access to connection to your true power. People will have a perception of uncertainty when you are being or acting in a way that is discordant with you true self. They may not directly perceive it as a lie but a discomfort or uneasiness will be present.
Many people are very used to this perception because many people put on an “act” for others. You are used to pretending you are who you put forth in the world. If you would allow yourself to relax and know that you are as you are supposed to be, you would not feel the need to put on the “act". This would allow others to receive you as you are, to feel your truth. Feeling the truth of you, your authentic being, your allowing of your true nature will allow others to feel this and allow for them to have the freedom to be who they are too. You free yourself and you allow for others to be as they are.
Now, will everyone suddenly show up as who they really are? No, people are all at different stages of their unfolding. Many are just starting to figure out who they are. But if you stay true to you, to what you believe, to what you feel and express it into the world you leave an openness for others to do the same.
There is peace in being you, your true self. You will never find that your actions are out of alignment with who you are. There is no worry about how you have to show up in the world. All you have to do is be you. This is where your access to true power is; when you allow yourself to come forth in peace you have access to your ultimate power. You have access to your connection to all that is because you are truly connected to yourself. We tell you again, peace is powerful. Being you as you is powerful. So, be who you are, choose what you want and be peacefully powerful. All is well. Adonai.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


We have great news for you; fear does not have to win. We are here to tell you that the main obstacle to most people having what they want is fear. Fear is a contracted energy. It holds you tightly bound. It can grow and expand to every area of your life if you allow it.
Now, the main thing to remember is that you can control it. You have ultimate say on how things go for you. You can get stuck in a fear pit of despair or not.
How do I overcome this fear I have? This overwhelming dread that all of my life is falling apart? We tell you, it is easier than you think. Fear can only be present when you are focused on something to fear. Most of the time (we actually believe all of the time) the fear you feel is unfounded in reality. Any circumstance you come across you can handle.
We hear many saying what about death, disease, destitution? Yes, they are there. But as human beings you are familiar with all of these. They are all possible ways of being. Fear does not keep them from you, fear draws them ever present to you.
Whatever is dominating your thoughts, your mind, is what is present for you. Letting go of fear or at least turning another direction is what is required. Let go of your focus on that which you do not want, that which causes you fear. Point yourself in the direction of what you truly desire. Feel good about the prospect of having what you desire. Don’t tell yourself you can’t have it. All is available to you if you allow it.
Fear causes your energy to contract, to bind you, to feel uncomfortable. If you allow your energy to open up, to get excited , to be free, you feel better.
We hear some say, “well I must think about the bad things that could happen.” No, you don’t need to think about the bad things. This causes suffering in the present a better likelihood of what you don’t want becoming present in your future.
You can handle whatever comes along in your life. But fear taking over is an uncomfortable debilitating place to be. We say, be free. Free to open yourself to more of what you want, to get excited about the things that you want but don’t have. Get yourself into alignment with having what you desire come to you. This way you can enjoy the passion you have moving forward into what has to come and revel in the having it when it becomes present.
There is no need to be present to fear, to all the things that could go wrong. Think about all that could go right. Think about all the possibilities the world has to offer. Think about how you would like your life to be. Focus on what you want. Point yourself in that direction. Get excited about the possibilities. And leave fear in the dust. We love you so. Adonai.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Your path doesn’t look like anyone else's path, it can’t. It is yours to have a unique experience. Others are there to show you a possible way of being. Another option, to know what there is available and re-choose those things that you want it to be. You have the option of choosing a new way of being or looking at another option and creating, choosing another way. You always have this ability it is just sometimes you choose the same thing.
Do you choose to have the same guidelines of how life is, given by your growing up experience or do you choose it to be another way? It is this that determines your life now. You are able to see as many options as you are open to then start to choose or create the way that you mean best. It is the life you choose and will allow that will draw near and become your experience.
Know that all that is given here is meant for you to share. It is an understanding that needs to be known so that people are truly free. They know this, it is just a reminding that we offer. Of all that can be had, that can be experienced. It is just a never ending universe of choices. You will never have the same as another but you can share the richness of life together. This is what you are asking for now. A richness of full choosing and experiencing all that you desire. It is this that we wish to open you to, an understanding of the freedom available to you now. We say that what you can imagine and allow will come into your being and experiencing. The lushness of life is available. And the most amazing thing is, once you understand this, you can be free now to enjoy the knowing of all that is.
You are free to be however you choose and that could be happy and peaceful. And that could be something else if you choose. Look at your life now. It is what you want it to be? Could it be different in the way you experience it that would suit you better? How would that be? Could you allow it to be? Are you excited in the idea of what you choose coming in to you now? This is what we say can be for you if you choose.
It is an understanding that can ease life by its knowing. You can be at peace in every moment if you choose or you can have something else. This is freedom. This is what we want you to know. We love you so and tell you now that you are on your way. Adonai

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This is what we create our world from. You have the ability to choose, to decide. You are the ultimate creator by what you choose and allow yourself to have. Just think, what are you choosing? Do you say, “ I can’t do that.”? That is a decision. Do you say, “People will not support me./ Like me. / Help me.” ? These are all decisions you are making. Your reality is showing up accordingly. Let yourself choose/decide those things you actually want. Do not place artificial blocks in front of you. Allow for the flow of what you actually desire.
So much of our emotion is spent on anticipation of the future. When you choose, “ Something bad will happen in my future.” you will experience a bad feeling about it now. Therefor creating a negative experience now and a negative expectation. Now most people do not word it as “something bad will happen.” Most will say, “ what if something goes wrong?” or “ why isn’t this working?” which is looking for the something wrong or bad. How about looking for the good? Anticipating an outcome that you can be excited about instead of fear. Allowing yourself to be excited about the future and happy in the now moment. It is possible.
There is no sense in creating in your present a negative emotion about a bad thing that hasn’t occurred anywhere in your reality. It is only in your mind that “bad” thing has arisen. You are not only creating the negative experience for yourself in the present, you are creating an opening to receive that which you do not want. Some might cause the negative they where expecting to come and take pride in that “they were right”. Look at where in your life you are accepting the triumph of bad things happening as “you were right”. We say, it is a much more exhilarating experience to actually have what you want. This will feel better that being right about your creating the bad thing.
You are creators, conscious or not. What are you allowing to be the “deciding” factors in your life. Are you so attached to being right you will create what you do not want? Are you willing to be excited about what you actually want now? We often do not want to be “let down” by not receiving what we want so we will place a block in front of it. This makes us feel bad and creates a negative space that disallows what we actually want in our lives. Try allowing what you want without adding the negative expectation. It will allow you to feel good now and allow for the fulfillment of what we actually desire to come to you. Be aware: You choose. You decide.