Monday, November 22, 2010

Greasing the Wheels

We hope you are now creating the world that you desire.  Your world is reflective of what you want and also reflecting the negative energies you hold.  We ask that you let go of all the you do not want reflected in your world.  Are you willing to let go of all that is in you that matches all you do not desire in the world?  This is very important for you are becoming powerful, so powerful that we do not what you mis-creating because you are unaware of the power your negative energies can bring. 
We ask that you become in alignment both consciously with thought and energetically with emotion to that which you desire.  This is the greasing of the wheels.  You will feel good when you are in alignment with what you desire. This is an easy way for you to check where you are in creation.  You will feel bad (or some variation) when you are creating from a negative energy. 
We tell you this because it is of utmost importance now for you to get a hold of your feelings.  Your ego and emotional immaturity is not going to bring you to your highest good.  You will have to become in alignment with your highest self and act accordingly.  There is no room to pout because what you want has not come yet.  There is no room for upsets because others have not given you what you want.  Let go of all that causes you upset and allow for what you desire to light you up now. 
Embrace that all you desire is true and inevitable.  This will cause the flow of your desires to come forth.  Honor yourself as who you are meant to be.  You are meant to have your desires fulfilled but if you keep getting in the way by having doubt and fear and anger and upset and sorrow and disappointment, what you want cannot match that. 
Your negativity resonates out and brings like back to you.  You will notice acutely that which matches your fears and doubts.  But if you allow yourself to become in alignment with your desires, in faith and trust that they will occur, you will pave the road for your desires instead of creating road blocks. 
You higher selves and your guides are all trying to support you in having what you want.  Let go and allow for the assistance by creating positive expectation in all that you desire.  Let go of all negativity that blocks the flow of what you desire. 
The time has come for you to be empowered to the highest level but you must make sure that you are creating from your highest good and not your greatest fear.  You are the master of your life and you must say how it will be.  If you are not willing to consciously create what you want, your life will be a reflection of the negativity you have allowed to run rampant in your life.   Let go now of all that is not serving you.  Allow, have faith and trust that what you desire can and will come to you.  Know this and be at peace for all is well.  We leave you with this for now.  Adonai.