Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People, Good or Bad

You never get the best out of people if you think the worst of them.
This is the statement we wish to start with for it has the power of knowing within it. You know that you cannot focus on what is not wanted and be open to receive what is wanted. Or, you cannot look for the ‘bad’ and be open for the ‘good’. This is true in all things but for people in particular we are speaking of now.
When you hold a thought of someone being a particular way, they are more apt to show up that way for you. When someone is cheery and smiles you have that expectation and you respond to them in that way. Conversely, if you have expectations that someone will be angry or disruptive, this will cause you to be resistant and hold your energy in a way that is defensive. When you do this it actually causes another to react in that way more. You are creating a negative magnetism. It actually repels others. This will cause a continuation of the experience that you expect.
If you are able to let go of your expectations of how someone is or actually project or expect that they will show up for you in a way that will make your interactions with them pleasant, you leave a space for this to occur. You will have the ability to deal with them in a way that allows them to be as they are and you can be at peace and detached about your interactions. You can be open for a relationship that reflects your desires rather that your fears.
It is up to you to hold the thoughts of how you desire it to be. To be intentional about your interactions with others. To set the tone and desire for all that you participate in with all you interact with every day. Focus on what you want. And what you focus on expands.
Allow people to show up for you in a way that works for you and your interactions. Put expectations, intentions and desires that allow others to be their best selves with you. Your interactions will become as you desire them to be rather than what you fear them to be. Release your fear of others. Allow any resistance to being with others go. Be open to allowing that which you desire to come forth in all your relationships and you will be happily surprised by your experiences.