Sunday, November 24, 2013

Death & Life

Choose how you would like to think about death.  Then keep moving.

Death; an opportunity we are all given.  You are born in and you die out. 
You wait in line to come in, you ride the ride, then you get off the ride.  
So many ways to look at the same thing. 
Its not the going out that is the issue, it is how you live.
Allow yourself to be filled up with what you desire.
Love, freedom, peace, ease, joy.  All that you desire can uplift you now. 
Like a balloon that rises up and up.  You become uplifted and live at a different level.  
A new level with a different vantage point.  One that allows you to see things differently, more clearly and compassionately.  A view that allows it all to be in ease and obvious. 
Your life is constantly trying to show itself to you.  See what is there for you.  See what is possible.  There is so much more. 
Allow yourself to be filled up with that which you desire.  And allow it to flow in to your life.