Friday, June 3, 2011

Shift-o Change-o

You are right, much is changing/shifting now. The celestial happenings are assisting in your movement forward. Each of the eclipses will bring a different energy of transformation. Many are speaking of these energies but what you must really know for yourself now is that it is time to allow yourself to be the true you. 
Letting go of the manufacture aspects of your personality (yes, this includes the”witty cynicism” you pretend is humorous and not defensive). You have many aspect of your personality self that will fall away during this time. All fear base affectations, all anger related reactions, and all that will not serve your being-ness in your highest good will slip/drop/fall from existence in your life. This may create a void for you. A feeling of a missing piece but it was a piece that really did not fit your true self. Like a friend that made you laugh but your really did not enjoy overall. Yes, it is a contradiction, good of you to notice that. You will notice many things that do not make sense or feel right and wrong at the same time. This is the way of great shifting. 
Becoming who you are and leaving the comfort of who you thought you were. Don't worry, nothing you need will fall away. Only that which no longer serves your greatest and highest good shall depart. These odd feelings will be accompanied by many new excited feelings of a great okay-ness. Even in the midst of strange feelings there will be an underlying knowing that all is well and you are moving in the right direction. 
What is the right direction for you? Forward. This is what we request of you. Be aware of where you are residing. If you are in an uncomfortable spot, allow your consciousness to move inward to your deepest spot of knowing. This is where you can calm yourself in your truth, in that which is your highest good. 
Many may have a different experience as individuals but the shift is occurring through all of those that wish to be moving forward to their greatest good. Allow for this now. Allow for the release of that which no longer serves you in the manner that it comes out. It may be anger or crying or being entirely passive and disconnected. It could be all of these or more. Just allow for what you are experiencing. Allow what needs to move out to be released. Then, redirect yourself to what you desire. 
You may think that you do not know what this is right now but each of you knows in your heart. Maybe the details are unclear and that is fine. Just direct yourself to the peace, love, freedom and joy you desire in any and all manifestations. This is all we ask now. 
Know that your life’s creation is that of your new world in which you get to love all experiences. Picture the you that is most comfortable in all things; in your body, in your environment, in your world. You will come through all of this to a new higher perspective that will allow you the greatest range of all possibilities to serve your highest good. 
We know we are speaking in great generalities. This is to accommodate all that will read this. This is so you, yes you, know that your true self is revealing itself to you. There is no thing to fear. All is happening for you now. Changes will happen. All the old baggage will get cleared away. 
Now, just allow yourself to be and be inspired by who you are becoming (and who you have truly always been) .
We love you so. You are always supported. Allow for your greatest good to be revealed now.

For more on the eclipses and energies of June-